Chapter 18

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Somehow the school-board approved of Loki and Thor chaperoning the class trip. Magic was probably involved in this decision being approved. Also Captain America calling in a recommendation. There was also an extremely strongly worded reminder to Thor and Loki that Midgardian teenagers weren't allowed to have any alcohol and they were not to give the children any alcohol.


They both conveniently forgot that ale was alcohol.

So since the school-board moronically decided that it was perfectly safe having Asgardian warriors babysitting Midgardian teenagers on a weekend camping trip, Loki and Thor found themselves in the school parking lot next to a group of giant yellow vehicles. There were teenagers everywhere arguing over which vehicle they were riding in. They all carried bags of supplies for the weekend.

"Uncle Thor! Loki!" Peter's voice called and the teen jumped, waving his hands to get their attention. Thor raised a hand in greeting and the pair made their way over to the teen. Both of the gods were dressed as mortals today, until they got to the woods, anyway, in jeans of all things, their hair tied up since Peter had taught them about the Midgardian custom of the 'manbun'. It was still strange, but kept their long hair out of the way, so it was useful, occasionally. Peter grinned when he saw them, then looked at Thor confused. "I don't think I'm ever seen you without Mjolnir..."

Thor chuckled. "And you have not yet, Spider-child," he replied jovially and held up the umbrella in his hand. "However, since we are traveling less conspicuously, I thought it best to hide Mjolnir,"

Loki rolled his eyes. "He means that he believes the Midgardian children will cause too much chaos trying to pick up the hammer to see if they are worthy," he explained to Peter, who laughed.

"You're right, they'd all try. Wanna tell them the umbrella is Mjolnir later?" he asked Loki with a grin. Loki laughed in reply and smirked at Thor.

"I will even remove the enchantment on the umbrella for you, arachnid," he replied while Thor huffed.

"Mr. Thor, Mr. Loki, you made it," one of the teachers said. They turned to face her and Loki's arm was automatically around Peter's shoulders. It was a defensive gesture, though it looked simply friendly. Peter was used to such things from Thor and Loki. They were warriors first and didn't always trust the humans with Peter's safety. And especially not with Wanda's.

They saw her among the teenagers too. She was going on this trip as well, which had helped sway the school board to let Thor and Loki chaperone since the Avengers were her legal guardians. Cap wanted Loki to go along on the field trip with her. He was helping teaching her how to better use and control her magic, so if something went wrong another magic user was nearby to help. She still had nightmares about Hydra and just... her life occasionally, so it was better to be safe than sorry. It was still amazing that the fifteen year old little witch had adjusted to mortal school and life so well after only a few months. She made her way closer too, to intervene if the humans were causing trouble for Thor and Loki.

"You can store your bags in the..." she trailed off, looking for their bags.

Loki shrugged. "That will be unnecessary," he told her with a polite smile. He had placed all of their supplies in his dimensional pocket. "Our bags are already stored," he added with a charming polite smile that eased the girl's suspicions at the adults not packing any supplies." She gave them t-shirts to wear. Loki looked at his and made a face. He realized all the kids were wearing them and made an even worse face.

"C'mon, witch. We'll match," Peter goaded him, looking up at him with big, pleading puppy-dog eyes. Loki sighed and rolled his eyes and looked extremely put-upon, but with a shimmer of magic, he was wearing the stupid matching shirt.

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