Chapter 22

22 2 0

A/N: bathing, hand-job

Xie Yi-jun

1303 years after The Long Night

Hêi'àn City

<King's Tent>

Xie Yi-jun was beyond tired... In fact, the concept of simply needing a good night's sleep and waking up fully rested was a dream he'd long since forgotten. After spending almost three weeks in the war room and being the fixer of everyone's problems, the young King began to wonder if his life would ever be different, and how long would he have to wait for that.

The fatigue of not seeing Songcai was also making things worse. The healer had traveled back to Wúmeng to return with much needed supplies. If Yi-jun's forces did end up trying to cut Meng Bai off at the pass they'd need all the help they could get. There was no way around it unfortunately, but the thought of such a battle and bloodshed made Xie Yi-jun's stomach roll.

When did I become a King in charge of an army? This wasn't how it was supposed to be...

As he gazed down at the maps sprawled out across the table, he felt a cool breeze from the tent's entrance, and then his entire body relaxed, a familiar warmth brightening every inch of the world around him. His lovers' name was already on his lips before he turned around and hugged the man close.

"Oh... Jin-cai... you're back."

Yi-jun held him tightly, closing his eyes and burying his face in Songcai's soft hair. The young doctor laughed softly, hugging him in return, and everywhere their bodies touched Yi-jun felt his sore muscles easing, all anxiety fading. All he needed was two moments alone with Jin-cai and he felt like he could conquer the world.

Pulling away from the man, Xie Yi-jun wished his first words to him could be inquiring about his journey, and if everything went alright. Yet the second Songcai looked into his eyes, Yi-jun realized he no longer wanted to act like a King, with an endless list of things to attend to. Songcai was smiling at him, and Yi-jun's heart began to sing...

He sighed, "There's so much I need to tell you, and so much I want to ask. But I can barely keep my eyes open, which is a shame, for I've been longing to see you."

Jin Songcai's eyes softened immediately and his expression became laughably familiar. Yi-jun saw it everytime the man was examining or treating a patient.

"Have you slept at all?" Songcai reached up to feel his forehead and immediately frowned.

"When was the last time you ate?"

Songcai's worry, though ridiculous, was another version of his love. Yi-jun let him fawn over him for a while, still holding him close. Songcai let out a deep sigh, as if he was handling a patient that refused to listen. The reality was not far off...

"Come with me,"

Xie Yi-jun took his hand when he gave it, following Songcai out of the war room and into the warm night air. It had been hot today, and a trace of sweat began to bead on the back of Yi-jun's neck from the humidity.

He didn't question it when Songcai pulled him into his tent, by the river. He even let the man spend a few minutes fussing over the insignificant wounds he'd gotten during training.

Then Songcai put his hands on his own hips and nodded. "Go ahead..."

Yi-jun had been staring off into space, actually he'd been staring at Jin-cai but it felt a little like daydreaming-

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