Chapter 60

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Wen Reian

2005 years after The Long Night


<The Wishing Well>

Yi-jun caught Wen Rei as he practically fell from his horse. The King gripped the boy around the waist firmly, hugging him, running his fingers through his hair and asking gentle whispered questions if he was okay. Reian didn't answer.

It had been three days since Jin Yu woke up. In that time, Reian had sent a letter to Jingshén, explaining what had happened and why they'd need to delay their return. When they got the news, Master Hao as well as Yi-jun had insisted on going to meet them in South Jiezhî, only relenting when the hospital officials guaranteed them a transport back home. Two horses for the boys, and a cart for Jin Yu, who still wasn't strong enough to walk.

Wen Reian had rode behind them in silence all day, the tightness in his throat that haunted him at night, easing the moment Xie Yi-jun tucked him safely in his arms...

"Oh, Wen Rei!" The King gasped, only letting him go when the boy mumbled that he couldn't breathe.

Of course, everyone had come out of the castle when they'd arrived, several people going to help Jin Yu to his bed, and even more swarming Xie De and Sun Xieren with questions, leaving Reian and Xie Yi-jun alone.

"Will Jin Jin ever walk again?!"

"He looks perfectly fine to me! Just a little scraped up..."

"Nah, that boy's tough as nails! Give him a few days-"

Xie Yi-jun was scanning Reian now as if he'd been the one injured instead, wide eyes blinking down at him and softening the darkness that was threatening to strangle Reian's heart.

"Boys, enough!" One of the masters called.

"All of you back upstairs, and I don't want to hear any running in the halls with A'Yu trying to sleep, yes?!"

A chorus of; "Yes Master!" Followed by everyone filing slowly inside, each whispering their own ideas of what the older boys had gotten up to on their trip.

"Reian," Yi-jun sighed, holding the boy's limp hands delicately...

The King frowned, "Are you really okay?"

Wen Reian smiled. Maybe it looked strange because he felt Yi-jun's aura shift slightly.

Reian couldn't say if he was okay or not. All he knew was that he hadn't slept in days in fear of someone knocking at their door and dragging him out into the street, to jail, or worse...

I've killed someone, I've killed someone, they're going to find out! These thoughts kept him awake at night as his mind replayed the horror.

But with no body left and hardly anyone to miss him, Reian's crime had gone undiscovered. Now he feared it would be a secret he took with him to his grave. Not even Jin Songcai would know about it, and he knew everything about Reian. The healer had disappeared from his dreams entirely, like Reian's one sin was all it took to be ignored.

"I'm just really tired." He said, which was the truth.

Xie Yi-jun's gaze softened at once. They were on their way up to the King's bedroom when Master Hao caught Reian's eye from the stairs. Wen Reian immediately looked away...

Even Xie Yi-jun can tell there's something wrong with me, he thought, heart racing.

Master Hao, who has known me all my life will have no trouble telling what I've done.

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