Chapter 68

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Xie Yi-jun

2005 years after The Long Night

The Howling Cave

<Su Lan's Den>

After hearing such a thing, it was impossible not to sense the whirling emotions now at war with each other inside the King's body. Xie Yi-jun felt his own horror and shock at the atrocities Su Lan had endured, mingling bitterly with his own regrets. That he'd doubted him. That he hadn't somehow known, and helped him break free of Meng Bai's hold...

Yi-jun stood there expressionless, for some time after his old friend had finished recounting the story. The King's tension finally relaxed somewhat when he felt Wen Reian place a comforting hand on his shoulder, whispering softly-

"Are you... okay?"

Reian seemed to bite his lip after he spoke, like he wasn't sure if it was the right thing to say. Xie Yi-jun didn't know either.

After several more minutes of trying to wrap his mind around even a fraction of the information he now had, the King realised with a rush of sadness that even after finally understanding what had happened to Su Lan, and it not being in any way his fault, Xie Yi-jun was still furious at him.

Maybe I'll always feel like this, he thought, swallowing uncomfortably.

Because in the end, he is the one who cursed me to being alive without Songcai...

At last, warm brown eyes caught Yi-jun's attention again and his heart sank with the painful thought that, yes... without Su Lan's curse, he would have been saved learning of his lover's tragic death, but it would have been at the cost of never meeting Wen Reian.

My heart breaks just imagining choosing between the two. Such a thing has never even crossed my mind, and it never should again-


Reian gasped as Yi-jun suddenly caught him in his arms, hugging him close and burying his face in the boy's sweet smelling hair.

"Yi-jun? It's... okay, just take a second to breathe. I'm here,"

Hearing Wen Rei's voice like this, muffled and surprised, the King tore away from him with effort finally and let out a deep sigh. With those lovely dark black eyes blinking up at him, Yi-jun could only nod.

Yes, it's okay. I have you. Everything will be-

Reian's gaze drifted away from him. The boy frowned, his whole posture changing in an instant as he pulled away from Xie Yi-jun.

"What are you-"

A shiver started at the back of the King's neck as he looked behind him, but saw only the darkness of the tunnel they'd entered through. Turning to Reian, he saw that the boy was still staring at nothing, shaking his head and seeming to be turning white with fear...

"Wen Rei?" The King took a step closer and immediately Reian held his hand out.

Behind the boy, Su Lan was still kneeling upon the floor, unblinking and unmoving. Yi-jun didn't know if he would ever be the same, but it was clear that whatever was happening to Reian was also affecting his old friend as well.

Su Lan was muttering something quietly, under his breath. All Yi-jun could see was the man's lips moving faster than he could understand, and Reian was still shaking his head, as if he was hearing and seeing something Yi-jun couldn't. Something deeply upsetting.

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