Special Chapter - "Joy"

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A/N: content warning for smooches LOL nothing more than PG-13 ;) this takes place after the banquet where Yi-jun and Songcai announce their engagement <3

Wen Reian

2005 years After The Long Night

Hei'an Palace

<The Great Hall>

It had been an amazing night, Reian really had to hand it to Yi-jun. When the King said he hadn't seen parties 'till he'd seen Hei'an City parties, the man hadn't been exaggerating. Between the musicians, the dancers, the food and drink being served, and the company, Wen Reian was very much out of his depth, yet he still enjoyed it. He enjoyed it, because whenever he looked over at Xie Yi-jun or Jin Songcai's faces, one or both of them were always staring at him...

The young man's heart faltered every time he recalled he and the King's scandalous actions in The Spirit Orchard only a few weeks prior. A blush rose to Reian's face just imagining every way he wanted to be thoroughly ruined by the man... actually, by both of them-

It had been the single greatest moment of his life, when Xie Yi-jun had explained how he and his peerlessly gorgeous lover wanted Wen Reian... wanted his heart and his soul. Reian couldn't let go of the idea. He couldn't let go of the warmth in his chest and the rapid pulsing of his heart every time he looked at the two of them.

Especially once, after Jin Songcai had just announced to the deeply inebriated room, what his formal address should be...

Reian had smiled, blushing all over, watching the way Songcai narrowed those clever, piercing blue eyes and whispered something into Xie Yi-jun's ear that made the King all but spit out his drink.

Seeing the two of them so enamored with each other all evening brought nothing but warmth to Reian's soul. Xie Yi-jun's smile when he looked at Jin Songcai was the look a dying man would give his last breath of air. It was pure, beautiful, heartbreaking, and everytime Reian saw the two kiss, smile together, laugh secretly, he found himself falling even deeper and deeper in love with them both.

The hour was getting late. Guests were starting to bid their farewells. Yi-jun and Songcai had drifted toward the dance floor but weren't really dancing, just holding each other and swaying in place... Reian thought it was the most romantic thing he'd ever seen.

He'd had a bit to drink but made sure to space it out with food and water. He didn't want to miss a second of tonight by being too tipsy to remember! His memories... he was being very careful with them.

After not having regained more than a flicker of his old life after this many months, Reian had quietly resigned himself to just never knowing. And though the masters at Jingshén and many disciples were more than willing to fill him in on any part of his life he was curious about, Wen Reian was of the mindset that; if I don't miss it, why bother dredging it up again if it'll only make me more confused and sad?

He'd learned this quickly after endless moments of feeling like the dumbest one in the room... the only one left out of literally every single inside joke or story. A few times he'd made inquiries, like; is that really how they found me in the forest? Stuffed naked into a potato sack at only a few weeks of age? Or... why do the children keep asking me to take them fishing? Oh, you mean... I taught them before?

So, Reian had decided that remaining silent and ignorant was best. Why should he be looking backwards into a past that was riddled with misfortune and unanswered questions, when he had a future that was so promised with joy, love, and companionship?

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