Chapter 66

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Wen Reian

2005 years after The Long Night

The Howling Cave

<Su Lan's Den>

"Xie Yi-jun!!"

Struggling to pull the King off the other man, Reian's heart was racing as he listened to their overlapping screams-

"I'll kill you! You bastard!!"


Using all of his strength, Wen Reian wrapped his arms around Yi-jun's waist, yanking him back and nearly falling over as the King thrashed and flailed. Su Lan was crouched on the floor, having taken a heavy blow to the face and he was staring at the King with a curious mixture of shock and relief.

"Stop!" Reian cried, holding Yi-jun who was still struggling, gritting his teeth.

"You don't know what he did! Wen Reian! Let go of me-"

Suddenly the man kneeling at the center of the room laughed. He laughed so loudly, and so emotionlessly that Reian felt the heat from Xie Yi-jun's anger seeping out from his skin and burning him...

Su Lan's expression was alarming to say the least. One one hand he was grinning, a twisted grief shadowing his glowing yellow eyes, yet at the same time, Reian saw the tension in his forehead and neck. The tears slowly falling from his eyes as he stared, unblinking at the furious King.

When the snake demon nodded with a giddy laugh, Reian realised that perhaps the man was not quite all there anymore. Even for an immortal being, seven hundred years is a long time to spend conscience.

"Do it!" He said at once, a kind of desperation in his voice that was made scarier by his bloody smile...

"A'Jun, please-"

When Su Lan closed his eyes and tilted his head back, Reian felt Yi-jun finally stop struggling, though his anger still burned brighter than the candles scattered about the ground.

"Do you even know the hell I've been through?!" The King shouted, voice breaking horribly.

Reian was about to reach out to him again when Yi-jun suddenly fell to the ground, making his way to Su Lan in seconds before Reian could stop him and grabbing the man's neck in both hands.

"Yi-jun!" Reian screamed the same time the King did-

"Your promise was the last thing I saw! The last thing I heard! Even after everything you did to me, how you betrayed me, I still believed you! I trusted you when you told me Jin Songcai would wake me up! Do you know how long I slept, Su Lan?! Do you even know? How long I waited for him?! If you really wanted to repay your debts you would have killed me then and there! You should have just ended it! How could you force me to live in a world without him?! How could you-"

Blinking his eyes as hot tears spilled from them, Reian held his shaking hand over his mouth as he watched.

Xie Yi-jun had stopped strangling Su Lan instead, his hands fell limply to his sides as the King hung his head, his whole body shaking with silent sobs. And watching him come apart so suddenly because of what Su Lan did, Wen Rei was certain that nothing could have prepared him for what the snake demon did next...

Moving carefully, Su Lan raised his hands to Yi-jun's shoulders. Reian was about to step forward and stop him when the yellow-eyed man spoke. What came out of his mouth was so startling that even Xie Yi-jun stopped crying and raised his head.

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