Chapter 26

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Wen Reian

2004 years after The Long Night


<Dining Hall>

The noise of the dining hall was just loud enough that Reian had to strain to hear Master Hao speaking to them from across the table...

"We will be leaving in two days time-"

"Home?!" Xie De squealed.

Their Master nodded.

Over the music being played and the thunder of laughter, plates and drinks clinking together, plus Xie De's incessant chatter, Reian felt a tugging at his heart. Something, somewhere in here was wrong.

Eyes scanning over Jin Yu, who was eating patiently with Xie De rambling in his ear, Wen Rei looked through the whole of the dining hall, before he finally settled upon the dark shape in the corner.

Fingers tightening at the veritable storm-cloud that seemed to emanate from Xie Yi-jun, Reian noticed that the seats on either side of him weren't filled, likely because the man himself seemed just moments away from bursting into a ball of flames.

Eyes downcast and covered in sleepless shadows, Yi-jun looked weaker than Reian had ever seen. Even at the moment they'd met...

It was impossible to say if this energy was his suppressed aura seeping through, or just an effect of keeping it all inside. Either way, Wen Reian sensed that the King was at his breaking point.

Distracted by something Jin Yu was saying, Reian realised several minutes later that Yi-jun had snuck off while he wasn't looking. Fear filled his heart, along with an overwhelming sense that the man should not be left alone right now...

Something bad could happen-

"Master Hao?" Reian said rather loudly.

Several eyes turned to stare at him.

He bit his lip, "May I be excused? I'm a little tired..."

Not technically lying because the truth is, I am tired. Tired of Xie Yi-jun hiding all his pain-

Bowing gratefully when the man nodded, Wen Rei didn't even wait to say goodbye to Xie De and Jin Yu, he got up and practically ran out the door.

Stumbling blindly through the dark until his eyes adjusted, the boy's heart skipped a beat when he saw Xie Yi-jun's shadowy figure swaying down the street. Catching up to him was no problem, but then Reian was tasked with the seemingly impossible challenge of convincing this proud King to accept his help.

If I can help him-

"Xie Yi-jun!"

Reian stopped himself before he reached out and grabbed the man's shoulder, but as the King was turning to face him, he tripped, swaying and nearly falling over. Reian steadied him, fears now being realised when he caught sight of the exhausted and desperate look on the man's face. Yi-jun appeared to be one step away from passing out right here in the road. There was no way Reian was letting him wander off alone like this...

Placing one of the King's arms around his shoulder, Reian went to support him but the King stiffened.

"It's alright," he whispered. "Let me help you."

It was more than clear that Yi-jun wanted none of his help, but he was also too clever not to know he needed it now.

Nodding weakly, the man stopped resisting and together the two of them shuffled slowly down the road. Yi-jun's room was at the edge of town, a choice he'd made by himself.

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