Chapter 74

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Xie Yi-jun

1302 years after The Long Night



There were too many things to do, far too much to plan, and nowhere near enough time for Xie Yi-jun to even recall what sleep was. After having spent the last two weeks traveling back and forth between Hêi'àn City and Wúmeng, making sure that their supplies and the line they held at the base of Hong Zhuí lasted, the young King felt as if the moment one task was finished, three more sprung up.

With so much pressure and so many lives in his hands, he was up most nights even on days he was allowed some rest. Doubts and worries getting the best of him, Yi-jun had wandered around town for hours until close to three, eventually finding himself standing on the pier, gazing out at the stars towards the horizon...

As his thoughts drifted both to the future and the past at once, he couldn't help but remember the first time he'd been here, over two months prior. How untrusting and cold he'd been when offered help they desperately needed.

I should express my gratitude to them again, Yi-jun mused. Not only has Wúmeng's allyship been invaluable in terms of medical aid and supplies, but more than half of their people have already come to Hêi'àn City, to stand with us. To fight when they are not soldiers, simply because they believe...

In what? In me? In peace, more likely.

Xie Yi-jun wished to think that he was a peaceful King. A good leader, someone people admired or could look up to.

Even without that, he thought... Good people will fight against tyranny. It isn't about me. It's about them, and their right to a better life-

"Aren't you cold?"

The King jumped. He hadn't even heard anyone behind him!

The man only chuckled softly; "Apologies... did you want to be alone?"

Staring blankly at Jin Songcai's beautiful pale face in the moonlight, the blue of his eyes brilliant in contrast to the white robes he was wearing, and the healer's hair pinned up on one side, Yi-jun could only shake his head.

Maybe he was too exhausted to formulate words, or perhaps Songcai's presence was throwing him off, but the King remained silent for several minutes, the healer coming to stand beside him on the dock and stare at the sky.

Xie Yi-jun always liked being around the man. He liked it so much, that he might even say he desired him-

No, that's a blatant lie. I do desire him. I don't think there's a soul on this earth that wouldn't meet Songcai and not want him, in one way or another...

But the King was too busy. He was too tired. He didn't have anything in him right now to be fantasizing about someone. There was just no time.

Jin Songcai finally spoke again after a while, his breath stirring the air and causing little swirls of steam that Yi-jun watched fade one by one...

"I've actually come to offer my assistance,"

The King turned to him, blinking in confusion, but Songcai continued;

"Forgive me if it's not my place, but I've noticed your insomnia has been worsening these days. It's not healthy to stay awake like this."

The King ended up frowning, looking away and wanting to roll his eyes. He refrained...

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