Chapter 24

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Omg guys I'm back!
I can't believe I haven't
updated in 5 months.
The band came so far within
the past few months, it's
unbelievable. I hope y'all
can forgive me for not
updating in a while but
life's been so stressful.
Just know that I love and
appreciate every single one
of you with all my heart <3

I don't know if you mean
Everything to me
And I wonder , can I give
You what you need?
(Birdy - Deep end)


Damiano's POV

After the talk I had with Victoria, I just couldn't fall asleep. The thought of Coraline not being around and her maybe relapsing was too much for me that night. I didn't want my best friend to eventually lose her battle with depression.
She meant the world to me and I couldn't bear the thought of living in a world that doesn't have her.

After contemplating and shedding a couple of tears, I finally decided that it would be best to open up about it to Vic. I found that I felt safe telling her about what's on my mind so I got up and walked down the pitch black hall to her room. As I stood in front of the old wooden door I hesitated for a second.

What if she's asleep? What if she's fed up with my problems? What if she'll leave just like Coraline?

My mind was restless and I knew that going back to bed wouldn't make it any better.
Taking a deep breath, I slowly knocked on Victoria's door. It didn't take long for her to open it and when she looked at me, I couldn't keep it together anymore.

"Are you okay?" She asked me with concern written all over her face.
"It's just...I can't do this" I whispered, trying not to cry. Victoria let me in and closed the door behind me as we walked towards her bed.
"Can't do what?" She asked calmly.
"I can't not go and see Cora. I need to know that she's okay and I can only do that by seeing her in person" I said with a shaky voice.
"Damiano, I don't think this is the only thing bothering you right now. What's really wrong?"
Vic asked and that's when I couldn't hold the tears back anymore.

"She's my best friend, Vic, but I love her. And whenever I try to sleep I keep imagining her going back to her old habits and possibly succeeding. Living a life without her is impossible. I need her by my side" I explained.
"I know, I know" Victoria whispered and comfortingly rubbed my back as she hugged me tightly.

After a few moments, we both let go of the hug and she pushed a strand of hair out of face.
"I have an idea. We'll just book the next flight to Paris and then we can go find her. Does that sound like a deal?" she suggested and I nodded while wiping away a few tears.
"Okay, then that's what we're going to do. For now though, let's get some rest. You look like you haven't slept in days" she then continued.
"Not far from reality" I chuckled.
"Thank you, Vic. I really mean it. I don't know what I'd do without you" I thanked her and gave her another tight hug.

As we both got into bed, I finally felt some sort of relief because I knew that there was a chance I could get my Coraline back. That spark of hope felt so comforting. I then pulled the sheets over my body and drifted of into a deep slumber.

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