Chapter 25

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I finally used
Coraline as a song for the chapter :)
Please tell me in the comments
if you've been liking the story
and/or what I could improve
Enjoy reading <3

E Coraline piange
Coraline ha l'ansia
Coraline vuole il mare
Ma ha paura dell'aqua
(Måneskin - Coraline)


And Coraline cries
Coraline has anxiety
Coraline is longing for the sea
But is afraid of the water
(Måneskin - Coraline)

Coraline's POV

I got back to my apartment, completely exhausted. Meeting Iris again was the best thing that had happened to me since living in Paris but it also made me realize how lonely I actually was. The thought of my friends and especially Damiano not knowing where I was or knowing if I was even alive hurt a lot.
I knew it was for the best though because being a burden to them wasn't an option to me at all.

As I got ready for bed, I couldn't stand looking at myself in the mirror. The sight of a drained, almost lifeless body surprisingly didn't sadden me too much. It rather made me disappointed that I couldn't even bring this whole misery to an end. I'd been sober for not a bit but that night, I couldn't help myself.

Taking a deep breath, I grabbed the old razor blade and began to cut. I saw the blood slowly dripping onto the floor but as much as I wanted to stop, it felt impossible. The blade was dirty which didn't make the situation any better. Suddenly, I dropped the blade. Blinking a couple times, I started to realize what I had done to myself.

"What the hell" I whispered to myself.
"What the hell!" I repeated, this time in tears.
I fell to the floor, sobbing. Self harm was something I'd been doing for years. It "helped" me cope with things I was too afraid to talk about. It was my best and worst friend at the same time.

The more I looked at what I'd done, the harder it got to breathe. The tears were now nowhere close to stop and neither was the bleeding.
All of a sudden, my eyes went black and I lost consciousness.

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