Chapter 15

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- - 3rd POV  (Time Skip) - -

That damn brat. Levi thought as he landed on the ground, his broken ankle throbbing under his weight.

Clicking his tongue Levi walked away, leaving Mikasa with her titan boyfriend when Levi spotted the familiar ginger hair.

"Levi!" Petra called as soon as she spotted him.

The corner of Levi's lips tugged up at the sound of Petra's voice and the weight on his shoulders were gone disappeared as he saw her safe.

Ever since the few days since the incident with Y/n, Levi and Petra have gotten even closer.

"Petra." Levi said as she went running towards him.

Levi was still smiling slightly but it turned into a frown as he saw the desperation in Petra's eyes.

"What's wrong? Are you hurt?" Levi asked as panic flared through him.

Petra shook her head as she stared at Levi with wide brown eyes.

The next words she said made Levi's heart come to a stop.

"Y/n... she's dead."

Everything inside Levi turned silent, even the throbbing pain in his foot faded.

But in a second, he was suddenly very aware of everything.

It was like everything came crashing into him.

The pain in his foot was intense, his hands were curled tightly into fists, his breathing was short and sharp.

"What?" Levi asked softly as Petra was breathing raggedly.

"S-she... We were fighting the female titan and then she- I was- She pushed- Disappeared- Trees-" Petra was mumbling things I couldn't get anything.

"Petra!" Levi half-shouted as Petra blinked in shock and stared at him with wide eyes.

The slight shouting caught most the cadets attention as they looked around to see what was happening.

"What happened?" Levi asked, his heart clenching up in fear.

Petra kept staring at Levi before bursting into sobs.

"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry. The female titan... we were fighting her and we took her eyes out but she regenerated one eye within seconds. She killed Eld... I was too shocked to do anything and I lost all thought. She was going to kill me but Y/n saved me. She pushed me out of the way before the Female Titan could kick me, but Y/n got hit instead. We didn't have time to find her, we had to escape but after, we tried. We really tried, Levi! But we couldn't find her..." Petra rambled out as Humanity's Strongest stared at her with blank eyes.

"You haven't found her yet." Levi said, finally breaking the silence as Petra nodded.

"But we couldn't-" Petra started but Levi didn't care.

He turned ready to launch off with his gear but someone wrapped their arms around Levi, preventing him from shooting off.

"Oluo, let me go." Levi ordered but Oluo stared at him with emotionless eyes.

"She's dead, captain." Oluo said as Levi clenched his jaws together.

"You haven't found her body yet, there's a chance she's out there." Levi snapped as he tried to get Oluo to let him go.

"She's dead." Oluo said as it took every ounce of Levi's restraint not to ram his blade into Oluo's face.

"I can find her." Levi insisted but suddenly, Petra grabbed the sleeve of his jacket.

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