Chapter 2

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- - 1 week later - -

I don't think I've been as lucky in my entire life than today.


Because I spotted two drunk Military Police members.

Why was it so lucky?

I could probably steal the gear and use it for myself.

And I did end up doing that.

I had almost gotten caught but I had escaped with a 3D Manoeuvre gear in my hands.

Slamming my back on the door, I was panting heavily as I stared at the gear in my possession.

I knew I had to hide it from my father if I didn't want him to sell it and use it for his own greedy uses.

I trained at night or when my father wasn't around. I trained in a secret spot that only I knew of in the underground.

So there, I played with the gear, fiddling with the triggers and figuring out how to use it.

Within a few weeks, I had gotten the hand of the 3D Manoeuvre gear and was able to use it.

Within another few weeks, I felt like I was ready to conquer the world.

I remember the first time I had flown around the actual underground, instead of my hidden training spot.

I had chosen that day to use it first because I was almost out of gas and decided to steal some from the Military Police, who were there that day.

It was an incredible feeling as I shot through the sky, the sound of people talking beneath me made me smile too.

"Who the hell is that?"

"Is it another one of those brats who always cause us trouble?"

"No, it can't be. Usually they travel in groups..."

The chase with the Military Police had been even more exhilarating.

I remember weaving through the underground alleyways, the entire layout of this place engraved into my memory.

I had easily gotten the MP's off my tail as I landed on top of my house, quickly opening the trapdoor from above and dropping into the room.

I already knew my father was away as I giggled slightly.

Holding the gas canisters in hand, I kneeled on the ground and pulled the loose plank from the ground, placing the gas canisters inside.

I was about to discard my 3D Manoeuvre gear too but a knock on my door made me freeze.

I knew it couldn't be my father. He wouldn't knock before entering.

Placing the plank over to my secret stash of gas, I silently crept towards the window, carefully looking out to see who it was outside as my heart seized up.

It wasn't the Military Police.

It was the three people I had always seen flying around the city.

"Oi? We know you're in here, brat!" Someone shouted as I grabbed a knife from the table.

"The hell you want?" I asked as I grabbed a chair and leant it against the door.

I had already used a makeshift lock with a fork, but it could be easily broken down.

Not that a chair could help that much either.

"We just want to talk!" A new feminine voice said as I walked away, backing up to the back door.

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