Chapter 44

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"Hange, where are you taking me? Let me go!" I said as I tried to pull away from her but her grip on me was like a vice.

"No, you cannot escape Mama Hange." Hange said as I sighed.

"Hange! Let go!" I said as she dragged me towards the mess hall.

She pushed the door open and dragged me towards the front of the stage before pushing me towards Eren and the others.

"Hey guys, can you guys hold onto y/n for a second, don't let her escape." Hange said cheekily as I let out a sigh.

"What's happening?" Armin asked as I let out a sigh.

"I don't know myself." I admitted as Hange grinned as she suddenly stood on top of a table, smashing her foot on top of it, attracting everyones attention her.

"Everyone! Why don't we have a party tonight?" Hange asked as everyone whispered to each other, wondering what was happening.

"Come on! Let's get drunk and all! It'll be fun! I'll consent to it! What do you guys say?" Hange asked to the entire scouts as everyone was silent for another second before everyone was cheering and roaring in agreement.

"Hange, what the hell are you doing?" I asked as Hange grinned at me.

"Come on, we're having fun tonight." Hange said as I let out another sigh before agreeing.

Soon, everyone had drinks in their hands as I took another sip of my own drink.

"See, isn't this a great way to end the day?" Hange asked as I sighed.

"You're going to get in trouble for letting scouts get drunk." I said as Hange snorted.

"Oh please, I'm Hange, I can get away with anything." Hange said as I let out another sigh.

It seems, that everyone was soon getting drunk as there were people loudly shouting at each other now as I let out a small laugh.

"I've got to admit Hange, you sure do know how to cheer me up." I admitted as Hange grinned.

"Oh please, we haven't reach the fun part yet." Hange said, grinning mischievously as I raised an eyebrow.

"Please don't be planning something evil-" I started but Hange was already stadning on another table.

"Everyone! Let's give it up for y/n, whose going to be singing for us tonight!" Hange shouted as I whipped my head towards her as I glared at her with live fire in my eyes.

"Hange Zoe!" I shouted as she grinned at me, half-drunk already as she dragged me up to the table.

She then pulled out a small book from her pocket as I glared at her with anger and a little bit of surprise.

"Where did you find that?!" I asked out loud as she grinned, laughing as she pushed my book into my hands.

"Please, I can find anything." She said as she flipped through the pages.

"This one, sing this one." Hange said, pointing to a page as I glanced at it and shook my head.

"No." I said as Hange pouted.

"Y/n. Y/n. Y/n." Hange started slowly chanting as everyone soon started to join in.

"Y/n! Y/n! Y/n! Y/n! Y/n! Y/n!"

"Fine! Fine! If I sing, all of you will shut up!" I said as everyone cheered.

"My gosh. You guys are in trouble when you guys sober up tomorrow." I seethed out as Hange grinned and sat down, staring at me.

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