Chapter 6

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- - Present Day - - 

"Levi! You skipped out on breakfast." I said, barging in on his room.

He was sitting on his desk, leafing through files and papers as he grumbled.

"You know I'm also your superior." Levi said as I rolled my eyes.

"Exactly why I have to bring you breakfast. Every. Day." I emphasised and this time Levi rolled his eyes.

"That's not what I meant. I mean you should knock before coming into my office." Levi said as I giggled.

"Well where's the fun in that?" I said as I was about to walk out.

"When are you leaving?" Levi asked as I looked back at him.

"This afternoon. I'll be meeting Shadis again."

- - Time skip - - 

"Commander Shadis." I said as I spotted my former commander.

"You haven't change much L/N." Shadis said as I scowled.

"I'm sure you missed me." I said sarcastically as Shadis mumbled under his breathe.

"You didn't exactly cause a fight every two seconds." Shadis said as I chuckled, looking at the cadets.

I was them, only 4 and a half years ago.

It's surprising how time flies so quickly.

I watched as the cadets trained in hand-to-hand combat.

"So what exactly do you need me for?" I asked as Shadis walked me over to the manoeuvre gear.

"Well, we're currently teaching them how to kill a titan." Shadis explained as he passed me the gear.

I held it in my hands, checking it over before strapping it on.

"We would've gotten Captain Levi to come and train them but he doesn't exactly..." Shadis trailed off as I laughed.

"It's fine. I already know he doesn't hold his swords properly." I said before walking off towards the training grounds.

As soon as I got there, one of the cadets, who I know as Jean Kirstein, immediately spotted me and made his way over to me.

"Hey. I've never seen you around here. What's your name?" Jean asked as I crinkled my nose in disgust.

Grabbing his hand, I flipped him over my shoulder, making the air leave his lungs as he struggled to breathe for a second.

Everyone's attention was on me within an instant.

"My name is Y/n L/n and I am going to be teaching you how to handle your blades properly." I announced, looking down at Jean who had an embarrassed look on his face.

"Wait? The Y/n L/n?"

"Whose that?"

"Idiot, do you not know her?"

"She's one of Humanity's Strongest."

"She comes second after the Captain Levi!"


"She got the looks too."

"She look so young!"

"Hell, she might be prettier than Mikasa and Krista."

A whole bunch of whispers broke out, rumours spreading around until I slid the blades out with a slight hiss, making everyone fall silent.

Pointing the blade down to Jean, I narrowed my eyes at him.

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