Chapter 38

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- - Y/n POV - - 

I was tossed down, and almost immediately I was snatched from the air as hands clamped around my arms, legs, waist, and neck.

I let out a scream, thrashing in the titans grips as I struggled to dislodge them.

No! Not like this! I thought as I kicked around.

"Y/n!" A loud scream echoed past the sound of titans greedily reaching towards me as I looked up.

In the distance, I could see Levi, rushing over towards me but I knew it was too late.

We both did.

Levi, look away. Turn around!

I opened my mouth to shout those words but before I could even finish calling his name, I was sucked into the darkness as I was shoved into a titans mouth.

I let out a shout as I was tossed around before I started sliding down the tongue, moving towards the oesophagus as I scrambled around, fingers clawing around me as I tried to grab onto something, anything.

There was nothing to grab but the slippery saliva as I slid even further down, getting closer towards my death as I grit my teeth.

"I am not dying to some ugly ass creature like you!" I shouted as I fumbled with my boots, pulling out a small knife and sunk it into the muscle beneath me as it caused blood to pour out but I was able to stop.

Blood dripped onto me, making me shake my head and close my eyes as I could feel the titan gurgle at the sudden pain in its oesophagus.

My fingers were barely clinging to the hilt of the knife as I squeezed my eyes even tighter.

Suddenly, light exploded around me when something grabbed my hand as I opened my eyes, blinking past the slick on my face as Levi had a determined look on his face.

"I am not losing you too." Levi hissed out as he kept his fingers hooked on the titans teeth as he pulled me up and suddenly, I could breathe again.

I inhaled deeply, breathing in the fresh air as I felt the urge to throw up but Levi grabbed my waist and leapt forward.

My broken ribs screamed in protest, but I had just escaped deaths clutches, I wasn't going to be complaining any time soon.

I still had my manoeuvre gear on but the wires connecting to the triggers had snapped off, making it pretty useless.

"Shit!" Levi shouted as he dodged another titan, barely missing getting hit as more titans piled around us, encaging us.

Levi didn't loosen his grip on me, as if he was scared that I would disappear as he continued to bring down the titans.

It wasn't a wonder why he was Humanities Strongest Soldier.

We broke from the horde of titans as Levi propelled us high up, escaping the clutches of those titans.

"Tch. This ought to give us a few minutes." Levi said as we landed on the roof of the tallest building around us.

"Levi... There's too many." I mumbled as I looked at the titans clawed at the building, trying to climb on each other or tear at the bricks to reach us.

"Why the fuck are there suddenly so many titans?" Levi cursed, as I tried to stand up but winced as my ribs ached in protest.

Levi turned around, snaking his arm around my waist to support me up as he scowled.

"I thought I told you not to die." Levi mumbled as I chuckled slightly.

"Well I'm still alive." I said, forcing a cheeriness but Levi clenched his fist.

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