Chapter 48

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Night soon fell over us and we had to demount, grabbing out the lights as I placed a hand on the mare, calming the nervous animal down.

We walked through the forest, all of wide and alerts, despite the fact that titans couldn't travel during night time, none of us were willing to let out guards down.

The only sound was the soft thuds of hooves and feet until there was a small exclaim of shock as a light tumbled onto the ground.

The frightened horse let out a whinny as I jumped a little, feeling extremely jumpy as Levi turned around to look at the Scout who was trying to calm the horse down before frightening all the other ones.

"Hey! You gotta light up the ground!" Levi said as the Scout mumbled a quick apology.

"S-Sorry." He said as Levi let out a small sigh before turning to me.

"We're not at the foot yet? It's almost dawn." Levi said as I looked at the small map in my hand.

"Once we're over this mountain, Shiganshina's right there." I explained, glancing up at Eren, Mikasa and Armin at the back when I mentioned their hometown.

Levi let out a hum of appreciation before moving forward again.

"I'm going to check on the others." I said to Levi as he gave me a small nod.

I passed the reins of my horse to a nearby Scout before slowly making my way back towards the others.

"How are you guys feeling?" I asked, walking up to Sasha as her eyes were wide and I could tell she was barely keeping the light in her hands from trembling.

"Can I be honest?" Sasha asked as I gave her a small nod.

"Scared." She admitted as I smiled softly.

"It's fine. I'm a bit scared too." I admitted, but obviously not in the same way as her.

I didn't really fear my death.

I feared for the death of all those surrounding us. All my friends. My family.


"She's right. Rest up, Eren." I heard Connie say as I perked up from hearing Eren's name.

"Connie. Try to refrain from saying his name." I mumbled softly as Connie blinked.

"Oh, yeah, sorry." Connie apologised.

"Assume this place is swarming with enemies." Jean said when he suddenly stopped in his tracks gasping.

I looked up and immediately shouted a warning.

"Titan on the left! Everyone halt!" I said, loud enough for everyone to hear as I shone my light towards the titan.

"Light up the area!" Someone shouted as people started unsheathing their swords.

However, as the lights hit the titan, there was no responsive, making me sigh in relief.

"It's all right. He's fast asleep. This lad must not be one of those new types that moves at night." Hange said as she let out a disappointed chuckle.

"That's too bad." She said as everyone unsheathed their swords, placing them back in their compartments.

"Let him be." Hange said as we continued onwards.

"I can't believe we didn't see it till that close up." Eren said as I hummed in agreement.

"Yeah, I'm with you there." Hange said as Eren glanced in her direction.

"The moonless night must be protecting us. Light from the moon is reflected sunlight. The new type of titan... We think they use that minuscule amount of reflected light to move." Hange explained.

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