Chapter 12

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It was impossible for me to sleep.

Everything inside me was raging, jealousy building within me and I felt the need to fight something.

To take my anger out on something.

Groaning, I walked outside into the darkness, walking over to the trees.

"Goddamnit!" I cried out as I struck a tree with my fist.

The crack under my knuckles was satisfying and I was breathing heavily.

"Why? Why now?" I asked, striking the tree over and over again.

I think I heard someone call my name, but I ignored it as I kept striking the tree over and over again.

That was until someone grabbed my wrist, stopping me and turning me around so I stared into those steel grey eyes.

"Levi..." I panted out as Levi blinked at me.

"What the hell are you doing?" Levi asked as I blinked as well.

"What am I doing?" I asked as we both stared at the tree which I had just profusely beaten up. 

I looked at my hands, to see blood running from the wounds on my knuckles.

Levi also saw the blood and sighed before dragging me back into the HQ to grab a first aide kit.

I expected him to sit me down but instead he walked back outside.

"Where are we going?" I asked as Levi didn't answer.

He dragged me away from the head quarters, stopping on top of a hill that was basked in moon light.

"Come on." Levi said as he sat on top of hill.

I blinked but sat down next to him.

"Hand." Levi said after pulling some disinfectant out.

I held out my hand, watching as Levi carefully treated my hand.

It brought me back to when we were kids and how he would've always done this with me after I got home from a fight with my father.

I smiled a little but inhaled deeply as I felt Levi's fingers carefully wrapped the bandages around my hand.

How many times have I stared at him? Oblivious to my own thoughts?

Levi clicked his tongue after he was done, placing everything back in the kit.

"Want to tell me why you were pounding a tree?" Levi asked as I tensed for a second before laughing.

"You know, I was just imagining Mikasa. What she said before must've really pissed me off." I said as Levi gave me a look.

"You were thinking of the girl?" Levi asked as I shrugged.

"Kind of reminds me of a tree doesn't she?" I said as Levi raised an eyebrow.

"A tree?" Levi asked as I nodded my head vigorously.

"Just like a tree. She only grows leaves when Eren around but without him she's just a spiky nasty, dead tree.  Tough on the outside but one punch to her weakness could send her tumbling down." I said as Levi blinked at me before letting out a snort and smiling.

My heart skipped a beat as I smiled, just like I did every time I saw that smile.

Goddamn, just how long have I been in love with him? I thought.

"Hey, Y/n. I actually wanted to tell you something." Levi said, shaking me out my daze as I looked away.

"Yeah, sure, go ahead." I said as Levi stared at the moon, the only sound was the crickets chirping.

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