Chapter 54

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I'm dying guys relaxxxxx

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"Well, then Levi, I guess I should start digging my grave now."

My eyes opened, widening in shock as I felt everything around me still.

Everything was frozen, nothing moved.

There's no way.

I turn around and inhaled sharply to see her standing there.

For a second I don't move, my brain unable to comprehend her existence, her being there.

I had to be fucking delusional.

I was hallucinating.

It couldn't be real.

Until she spoke up again.

"Do you seriously want me to dig my grave or are you going to help me?"

With that I was already running towards her and she barely had time to brace herself as I grabbed onto her, slamming her into my chest and wrapped my arms around her tightly, spinning her in my arms.

"You're alive."

- - Y/n POV - -

Something bright shone through the cracks of my eyes as I felt my head ache in pain at the sudden light in the darkness.


Everything's sore.

I mentally sighed.

Not fucking surprised if I see the devil when I open my eyes.

Suddenly a sense of deja vu filled me as I slowly fluttered by eyes open.

Above, the sky was painted in a hue of orange and pink, a beautiful sunset.

Huh, who thought hell would be this pretty.

I was about to stand up, to look around but the movement on my arm caused excruciating pain as I groaned.

"What the fuck." I said out loud before throwing into a coughing fit.

I was choking as I turned to the side, hand against my chest as the coughs died down.

Slowly, I wiped the tears out of my eyes before letting out a surprised sound.

A dead face, half of it seemed blown off, lay a hairsbreadth away from me as I cursed and rolled upright.

Everything spun around me, the afterlife in a haze as I winced, raising a hand to my head only to find something sticky and wet on my hands.

I opened my eyes, letting myself adjust as I saw something red coating my hands.


I blinked before finally deciding to take the surrounding around me.

Everything that surrounded me was dead bodies.

Dead bodies, blood, chunks of stone.

My breath hitched as I raised a hand to my chest, eyes wide with shock.

I- I survived? I thought to myself as I felt my pulse, heart beating against my palm as I let out a shaky breath.

"I'm alive..." I muttered, taking a second to process this before I straightened up.

"Levi!" I shouted as I spun around, trying to get up but something kept my legs pinned in place as I looked down to see a horse laying on top of me.

Or should I say what was left of the horse.

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