Chapter 41

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"What do you mean he's missing? When?!" I asked as I tried getting out of bed, but my legs were still to weak as I ended up falling to my knees.

"Y/n!" Hange said as she ran around to my side and knelt down beside me.

"Shit." I mumbled as my legs were numb, almost as if I couldn't move it.

"You won't be able to move as you did before. You've been unresponsive for two and a half months." Hange explained as I grit my teeth.

"Fuck not being able to move. I need to find Levi, where is he?" I asked panic rising in my chest as Hange held a hand to calm me down.

"Y/n, calm down. It's only been two hours since he's been missing. He couldn't have gone too far." Hange said, as if she wanted to reassure me, but I could tell she was having trouble believing in her words.

We all knew, Levi wasn't the type to just disappear on us.

He was Humanities Strongest, but he was also our friend.

I placed a hand against my temple, trying to calm the slight headache.

"Where could he have gone?" I asked as Hange helped me up.

"Erwin's sent multiple search parties out. One of the cadets said that he saw Levi leave, taking a horse from the stables." Hange explained when the door was opened with a small click.

"Hange, I need you to-" Erwin started but his eyes widened in shock, bushy eyebrows lifting high as he saw me, awake.

"Y/n." Erwin said as I saluted.

"Commander." I said as Erwin gave me a nod as I relaxed.

"Where is he?" I asked as Erwin pursed his lips together.

"We haven't found him yet." Erwin said as I sighed, looking down at the ground, but I saw something in Erwin's left hand as my heart stopped.

A small strip of a green fabric was in his hand, as well as a small piece of neatly folded paper.

"W-Where did you get that?" I asked as Erwin looked down at his hand, showing it.

"I found this in Levi's office, hidden. There's a note." Erwin said as he showed it to us.

All it said was, I'm sorry.

Erwin turned to Hange, showing the green fabric to her, a confused look on his face.

"Do you know what this is? Perhaps it symbolises something? It could be a lead." Erwin said as Hange frowned, looking at it.

"I've seen it on Levi's wrist before, but when I asked him what it was, he just told me to mind my own business." Hange said as my voice caught in my throat.

"We have to find him." I choked out as Erwin and Hange turned to me.

"What is it?" Hange asked as I couldn't reply.

I'm sorry. 

That's what Levi had wrote.

M fingers reached for that strip of fabric as I found it hard to breathe.

"We have to find him. Now."

- - Time skip - -

"I can go!" I argued, leaning against the wall as Hange was scolding me when she found me in the stables.

"No, Y/n. You're barely able to keep yourself upright." Hange argued as I clenched my teeth in determination.

"Please, Hange. He needs me." I said as Erwin came from behind.

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