Chapter 33

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"Y/n... my head hurts." Hange said from beside me, burrowing her face into her arms as I scoffed.

"Sucks to be you." I said, despite my own raging headache.

I may be able to tolerate alcohol but hangovers were the absolute worst.

We both fell silent, just sitting in the mess hall as the door opened.

"Oh, hey Levi." I greeted with a weak smile as Levi rolled his eyes.

"You guys look like pieces of shit." Levi said as I rolled my eyes.

"I feel like shit." I said as Hange mumbled an agreement.

After last night, more than half of us were drunk and I barely remembered the ride back to Trost District.

"Hange, shouldn't you be doing more experiments with Eren?" I asked as Hange groaned.

"Too tired. Plus, Eren hasn't even gotten out of bed." Hange said as I glanced at her.

"Really?" I asked as Hange nodded.

"I don't think any of them have." Hange said as I groaned in frustration, banging my head on the table.

"I told you not to let them drink!" I said as Hange shrugged.

"They're not kids anymore! They deserve to live!" Hange said as I let out a frustrated sigh.

"Hange... They are 16 year old children!" I screeched as Hange got up.

"And that's my cue to go!" Hange said as she ran off.

"Come back here!" I shouted, also pushing myself up and chasing after the maniac.

Unfortunately, Hange tripped on the ground and I was going too fast to slow down as I tripped over Hange.

We fell to the ground, nothing but a heap of tangled limbs as I pulled Hange's ponytail. Hard.

"Hey!" Hange complained as I picked myself off the ground, poking my tongue out at her.

"Ha!" I said triumphantly before brushing my uniform.

"Hey, Levi. Where's Petra?" I asked, scanning around the room, unable to find the other two members of our squad.

Levi shrugged, holding his tea cup in hand, obviously holding it by the rim.

"How should I know?" Levi asked in a bored tone, taking a sip of his tea as Hange smirked.

"Cuz she's your girlfriend? Or is she not? Did you guys fight?" Hange asked as I kicked her shin making her jump up and down in pain.

"Shut up Hange. I told you to stop butting into personal lives." I said, scowling as Hange clutched her leg.

"That's so mean. Plus, what's the fun in not teasing both Humanities' Shortest's?" Hange asked as I rolled my eyes.

"You're forgetting Historia." I said as Hange shook her head.

"Ahh... but she's queen. And plus, you guys are known as Humanities Strongest anyway. Just change strongest to shortest and it still works." Hange said as I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever, I'm going to go find Petra." I said as Hange sighed.

"Fine, I'll go find Moblit. Damn traitor, leaving me for Petra." Hange mumbled as I laughed.

"See ya!" I called back before making my way to Petra's room.

I was going to knock on the door, but I could see that there was no light shining from the small gap under the door, which I assumed meant she was still sleeping.

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