Chapter 26

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"The true royal successor... is Historia?" Armin asked, everyones eyes wide with shock as Hange finished explaining everything Sannes has spilt.

"In other words, both Eren and Historia are likely wherever Rod Reiss is." Hange said as she nodded to Moblit who unraveled the paper in his hands, holding up the drawing of Rod Reiss.

"That's him." Levi said as they stared at the paper, still processing the thoughts.

- - Time skip - -

"You've caught a cold, haven't you?" I asked as Levi stiffened beside me.

Everyone had left for dinner and Hange and Moblit were currently talking with Sannes and Ralph.

"Tch, of course I haven't, brat." Levi said as I narrowed my gaze at him.

"Levi, I've known you since 10 years ago. I think I know when you've caught a cold or not." I said, crossing my arms as Levi scowled at me.

"I have not caught a cold." Levi said in a deadly tone.

"Both of us have terrible immune systems, thanks to the underworld. You look paler than usual, you've been sniffing a lot and I've seen you pause because you have a headache." I pointed out as Levi scowled at me.

"I. Don't. Have. A. Cold." Levi said as I sighed, grabbed his wrist and pulled him around to face me.

I placed a hand on his forehead.

"You have a fever too." I said as Levi scowled.

"Fuck you, Y/n." Levi said as I rolled my eyes.

"Seriously, Levi. You should be in bed, honestly, you're going to pass out in the middle of a battle or something." I said as Levi glared at me.

"I will not." Levi said as I rolled my eyes.

"Levi, you're not being weak if you've caught a cold. It's normal. It just means you're human like the rest of us." I said as Levi blinked at my words.

"See, so go to sleep Mr Humanity's Strongest! If you die, I'll be taking that title and I'll tease you  later when I meet you in the afterlife!" I said as I pushed Levi away, towards his room.

"Tch." Levi said, clicking his tongue in annoyance, folding his arms and refusing to move as I sighed.

"If you don't want Petra to see you in your 'weak, pathetic state' you should get too bed, dumbass." I said sarcastically as Levi grabbed the front of my uniform.

"Who are you calling dumbass, brat?" Levi asked, growling at me but I was already used to his behaviour.

"You, dumbass." I repeated as I shoved Levi off me playfully.

"You know, I'm still your superior." Levi said as I rolled my eyes.

"Sorry, Captain Levi." I said sarcastically as I started to push him to his room but halfway climbing the stairs, we heard the door open as I perked up.

"Hange?" I asked as I skipped down the stairs as I heard her sigh.

"Hange-" I started but yelped as a table and chairs went flying past me.

Hange stumbled a little from the force of her kick as I steadied her.

"Oh, Y/n! I need some energy!" Hange said as she wrapped her arms around me.

"Huh?" I asked as she wrapped her arms tighter.

"Shhhh, Mama Hange needs a recharge." Hange said as I blinked, not moving when Hange was pushed off me.

"Tch, did I not tell you, shitty glasses? You should leave Y/n alone, she's injured." Levi said as Hange sighed.

"But I need my Y/n!" Hange said as she grabbed my hand.

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