Secret Of The Ghost Rig

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It was 6:00 am in the morning, both Louis and Tanya  were asleep, suddenly, a shadow opened the window to Louis's house and crept over Louis's bed.

They put their paw to Louis's mouth as he suddenly woke up.

"Where were you? I waited like, forever," Louis asked with a yawn.

"Sorry, it took her forever to fall asleep I had to wait awhile," Scooby explained.

"It's understandable," Louis whispered.

"You ready to leave your Grand Mother's house for a few days," Scooby wondered.

"Ready as I'll ever be," Louis mumbled still sleepy.

Scooby put Louis on his back and had him hold on to his neck, Louis was so tired he fell asleep just being on Scooby's back and holding onto his neck. 

Shaggy came into Louis's room grabbed the wheel chair, left the room and then the scene.

Scooby jumped back down the window and him and Louis fled the scene, Scooby took him to him and Shaggy's place and had him lay there in a guest bed room.

During that night a teenage boy was getting pulled over by a cop.

The teenager looked in the mirror to see the cop coming and sat up straight.

"Do you realize you were speeding?" The cop interrogated.

"Yes, yes, I do Officer," the teenager replied.

"Okay, as long as you know, on your way then, drive safely," The officer answered.

All of a sudden a truck zoomed passed the car and the officer.

The cop,Quickly,Ran back to his motorcycle,And,Got back on it as He drove after the Speeding Truck.

"Alright you, pull over," The cop ordered.

The cop continued looking at it as He began to hear strange noises fromit. 

"Ex c-cuse me, are you aware that you are speeding," The cop warned.

The Truck,Then,Pulled Back,Before,Pulling Up behind him.

The cop freaked out,Instantly,Speeding Up as the truck chased after him.

As the truck hit the motorcycle's bumper the cop lost control, and fell off the side of the road as the motorcycle dropped into the sea, the cop grabbed hold of a branch.

As for the ghost truck, it disappeared in a thundering cloud as the fog itself also disappeared.

The next day the Mystery Machine was parked outside City Hall.

"Thanks for coming along gang, I really need the support, it's never a good thing, when my dad asks me to meet at his office," Fred explained as He thanked them for being there for him.

"Like, dude, no problemo," Shaggy assured.

"Yeah, no problemo," Scooby repeated.

"Too bad, Daphne couldn't make it, trust me, she'd love to be here for you if she could," Velma mentioned.

"Yeah, she wouldn't miss it for the world," Louis stated.

"Neither would you," Scooby added.

"Right neither would I," Louis agreed.

As Mayor Jones exited the room and entered the hall.

"Ah, Fred, my boy, today is a very exciting day for you because today you learn the family business, politics," Mayor Jones brought up.

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