Attack Of The Headless Horror

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Deep in the Amazon.

A Snake slithered along a rock.

After the Snake passed,a Man walked into the part of the Jungle where the Snake was.

It was Dr. Rick Spartan, A Famous Jungle Explorer.

Rick carried a Sword which he sliced the Leaves,Vines, and Sticks with.

With him, was his Wife Marion and His College Buddy Cachinga,which he liked to believe was a Wild Savage.

Marion walked behind her husband and behind her was Cachinga.

Rick moved the final Leaves away,revealing what he was looking for.

"Marion! Cachinga!" He called.

They ran to him when he called.

"We found it, the Ancient Burial Heap of Sklar Gringat,I told you,Legend,Plenty true,Cachinga," Rick said.

"Yes,Amazing," Cachinga replied nonchalantly as he carried a Spear and huddled down beside them.

Rick ran to the Temple while the other two followed.

When Marion ran,she fell and sprained her ankle.

Cachinga and Rick noticed and ran back to her.

"My Ankle,I think it's broken," Marion warned.

Rick rubbed it and she winced in pain.

"Cachinga,make plenty fast for Camp,fetch Medicine Kit,for Wifey,bring here,quicky quicky,K,K," Rick commanded.

Cachinga gave him his Spear and ran back to Camp.

"I'm sorry,Honey,go on,I'll be fine here...alone," Marion offered as she laid on her back as she hoped her Husband would stay.

"Okay," Rick agreed as he ran to the Temple.

"Huh?" Marion whispered.

She didn't think he would do it.

"Love ya," He announced as he ran looking back at her.

He ran up the Stairs and ran up to the Top.

He looked back to make sure she was safe and turned back to the Temple.

He used the Spear to pry the Ball off the Ceiling.

It came rolling down fast and came rolling towards Marion.

She gasped as she rolled out of the way.

He used a Rope and tied it to something.

He climbed down into the Temple and used the Flashlight to look around.

When he climbed down,he smiled confidently.

He walked to the Chest and read the Inscription.

"Take not my Head or a Curse on you,My Body shall forever avenge the wrong you do, A Curse,This Day just gets better and better,Whoa," He read as he opened it and saw what was inside.

He picked up the Head and screamed when he saw it.

"You were Warned," The Head shouted.

He screamed as he dropped it.

It looked at him.

Something touched his Shoulder.

When he turned around,he flashed his Flashlight on it.

It was the Thing's Body.

It roared at him.

Rick screamed at it as it got closer.

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