Battle of the Humungonauts

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It was a dark night at the Tiki Tub,people were hanging around talking.

The band was playing Bossa Nova Music.

As the singer began to sing.

If my lips could only say the pretty words

That I feel in my heart
If my voice could make the sound

I would tell you how I love you
And we'd never be apart
Love was just one look into your face
My mind starts to drift right into space
And the words get stuck in my throat
And the words get stuck in my throat," She sang as she cradled each Man's face, she got close to.

"You know I got to hand it to you,Mayor,Crystal Cove needed a trendy hot spot like the Tiki Tub,and you delivered, the local Hep Cats are going to dig this crazy joint," Sheriff Stone complemented.

"Just one more check on the To-Do List, that will turn Crystal Cove into the cultural/paranormal center of the world, and let me congratulate you,Sheriff,on how quiet things have been around town, in the words of Abraham Lincoln, a quiet town is a place where people like to spend money," Mayor Jones explained.

The Woman finished singing as they all applauded.

"Thank You, thank you everyone," the woman thanked bowing down in gratitude.

Suddenly the people's happy faces turn to scared faces.

"What?" She asked.

When she turned around she saw a green monster destroy the stage as she ran.

The monster threw the stage, then pulled out a tree and continued destroying the Tiki Tub as people ran away.

It didn't stop until the whole restaurant was gone.

As it fled the scene.

Sheriff Stone and Mayor Jones  came from behind the rubble.

"I hope you have insurance, Mayor,cause, I wanna see that again! Encore! Encore! Sheriff Stone stated cheering and clapping his hands in excitement.

As Mayor Jones sat there with the singer in his arms.

It was an early morning at Shaggy's house.

There was Techno music playing in the background.

Scooby walked in looking for Shaggy.

"Shaggy,Shaggy, Louis, have you seen Shaggy? Scooby called out.

"No, I haven't seen him since this morning,I'll help you look," Louis responded.

As the radio went to commercial.

"Folks, Are you worried about terrible things happening to you and the ones you love and not being able to pay for them? Then call Max Minner Insurance Agency," The radio mentioned.

"Ah,there you are,Oops,Sorry, Harry, I didn't mean to wake you," Scooby responded seeing Harry Shaggy's Puppet in his bed.

"Let's keep looking," Louis requested.

"Shaggy, Shaggy," Scooby and Louis continued calling out.

"Hoo,hoo,cut that out," Shaggy ordered playfully.

"Uh oh,we'll save you,Shaggy,Scooby-Doo and Louis to the rescue,"" They said in unison.

As they went into the bushes.

As they saw them kissing and skidded to a stop.

"Oh,Zoinks! Did Scooby just?" Shaggy asked.

"Oh yeah," Velma agreed.

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