The Grasp Of The Gnome

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Everyone was at the Renaissance Fair enjoying themselves.

One Lady was dancing on the stage as they all watched.

A Man did Fire Blowing.

While one of the ladies dressed as a Princess watched until someone put their hand on her shoulder.

It was Ben, her date, he was showing her, his Pirate Costume.

Despite him being enthusiastic about it, she didn't like it.

"I still don't get why some people insist on dressing like Pirates at a Fair,for knights," Jen mentioned.

"Because Knights are boring, they are so, Milord this, Milady that,Joust me,oh,I've got the pox,Pirates on the other hand are awesome,Yarr," Ben explained putting on a stupid voice and changing back to his normal voice.

Ben pulled up his pants and said," I gotta fix this thing."

Ben walked to a secluded area.

He suddenly heard laughing as he turned around.

"Hello," He shouted.

He saw it again on the other side.

As it appeared behind him,it was a Gnome.

It laughed and he screamed as he fell to the floor.

As it touched his face and paralyzed him.

"Uh,I could knit a sash in the time, you're taking," Jen complained.

As she saw the Gnome and screamed.

It laughed,jumped, and left.

Later on that night Lord Barry was welcoming more guests in.

"I,Lord Barry,welcome thee to the Royal Knights Fair,Huzzah,more filthy pirates, go hang out at a seafood resturant," Lord Barry said seeing the pirates and complaining.

"Lord Barry's got to relax about letting Pirates mix with Knights and Damsels,I told him not to worry about Historical Inaccuracies,more people,more money,Ow," The Gester mentioned as the Queen hit him on the head.

"Quiet Fool, our Fair should be kept historically untainted, otherwise,who knows what shambling low-lives will arrive," The Queen explained.

Shaggy and Scooby had just made it in.

"Peg-Leg Shaggy says, arrr, shiver me timbers and like, break out the barbecue Turkey Legs and the Mutton Kebabs," Shaggy stated.

"Aye,aye, Peg-Leg Shaggy,sir," Scooby replied.

"Anyway a girl could dock here?" Velma asked.

"Aye,but only if ye be in wench garb and talking all piratey," Shaggy warned.

"Yo ho ho, and a bottle of Root Beer," Scooby added.

As him and Shaggy giggled and kept moving.

"Let's see,I'm looking for a word that rhymes with,no way, I'm putting on those dumb clothes," Velma commented refusing and turning her head away.

Louis rolled up to Scooby.

"For one, you both sound like Skipper Shelton and two, Scooby, what do you think of my costume?" Louis mentioned. 

"It's so cute, I want to be your princess," Scooby complemented.

"Thank you," Louis answered scratching the back of his head flattered.

"No problem, I think you look really cute in it," Scooby continued as he stood up and put his arm around Louis's shoulder.

Fred and Daphne passed Velma looking at the map.

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