Pawn Of The Shadows

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It was a Dark  Foggy, Night.

20 Years Ago.

The Original Mystery Incorporated ran up the Hill to the Old Church.

Brad opened the Doors and Ricky and Pericles went in first.

The others followed in after them.

"Are you sure that thing came in here? Brad," Judy wondered.

"He better be right," Young Tanya added.

"It's the only place it could have gone," Brad responded as he turned on his Flashlight and led the team.

"For real,maybe we should call the Local Smokey to handle this," Ricky suggested.

"Ricky's right,that thing didn't look exactly....human,it had horns," Cassidy agreed.

"Has anything that we've dealt with been human," Tanya stated.

"The Real Question is,Did we chase it here? or, Were we led here on purpose?" Pericles mentioned.

That was when they heard Creaking.

They heard and saw something walk past them from above.

Professor Pericles began to fly off.

"Whoa,Professor Pericles,no,come back," Ricky called as he followed after him.

"Hang on,Pericles,my Baby," Tanya said.

Just like Louis,Tanya had a Close Relationship with the Animal.

The only thing,that was different was that Tanya was in love with Professor Pericles.

They ran up the Stairs.

Rick stood on the Piano Keys making Discordant Music.

Tanya climbed on Ricky's back and climbed up the Pipes.

Brad,Judy,and Cassidy closed their ears from the loud noise.

Ricky climbed up after her.

Tanya led and climbed up the Pipes to Pericles.

She kissed his Beak and he smiled.

As he flew off to what he saw,she followed after him.

The Two disappeared.

Ricky wanted to come too.

When Ricky climbed up the Pipes,they started to bend.

They all began to tumble down.

Brad,Judy,and Cassidy ran out of the way.

Ricky jumped off them and hid underneath the Piano.

The Pipes fell and something was in between them.

Brad,Judy, and Cassidy got to their feet.

Pericles flew back in with Tanya right behind him.

"False alarm,it was just a Possum,Mm,Delicious," Pericles warned as he wiped his Beak with his Wing.

Tanya took out a Rag and took the Blood off his Wing.

"There you go," Tanya whispered.

"Thank you,Dear," Pericles thanked.

Ricky stuck his Head out from in between the Pipes.

Cassidy walked up to him and leaned her head on the Pipes.

"Sorry," Ricky apologized.

"Sorry,My foot," Tanya commented.

"Whoa,Far out,What's that?" Ricky announced.

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