The Wild Brood

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At a Bar, Outside Crystal Cove.

A Gang was hanging out there.

Two Gang members were playing Pool.

One just went.

"Nice shot," a Gang member complemented.

At the Bar, the Server served a Woman her drink.

A Gang Member approached her.

"Hey there,Muffin, How about you and me go for a Moonlight Ride," The Gang Member requested.

"No,thank you, I'm allergic to the stink of Desperation," The woman rejected turning away from him.

"Then you don't know what you're missing," The Gang Member stated.

"Step away from the Lady," A calm, low, voice ordered.

As the Guy looked at him.

Soon everyone looked at him.

"What do we have here? Seriously, What do we have here?" The Gang member commented approaching him.

As they all laughed.

Another one of the Strange Creatures walked in.

"We are the Wild Brood,Human, and this is our most terrifying leader, Odnarb the Powerful, he demands that you vacate the premises,immediately," The Wild Brood Member #2 replied.

"You want us to leave our own place?" The Gang Member asked.

"In a word,Yes," Wild Brood #2 continued.

As they all laughed.

"This Road House is Spanker Territory, so unless you want a mouthful of Spanker," The Gang member shouted.

"Cooler,Daddy, we tried taking the High Road, Didn't We? Gabtrap," The Leader said.

"Yes, we did,Indeed," Gabtrap agreed.

As The Wild Brood Leader snapped, his Men appeared behind him.

The Spanker Leader did the Same thing.

The Wild Brood Leader, lifted an eyebrow, indicating that he was not impressed.

The Wild Brood Leader and His Gang Members beat them all up and threw them out.

"Alright, Boys, let's go spank somewhere else," The Spanker Leader commanded.

As they drove off on their Motorcycles.

"Now that was some Roaring Good Fun, a round of Cappuchinos for my Orcs and make them extra frothy," The Wild Brood leader requested.

"Sure thing buddy, so you fellas gonna be sticking around here for long?" The Bartender wondered afraid.

As The Leader looked at the Lady.

"We're headed down the Coast, to Crystal Cove for a little rest and relaxation," The Wild Brood Leader responded.

"Crystal Cove, ha,even the name sounds breakable," Gabtrap added.

"The Local Clydes soon won't forget the Wild Brood, Right Boys?" The Wild Brood Leader asked as All of the Leader's Gang broke Out into Laughter.

"Wild Brood! Wild Brood! They chanted.

That Night at the Tiki Tub.

Mayor Jones and Sheriff Stone were sitting at a table.

"De-lish, I gotta hand it to ya,Mayor,your decision to rebuild the Tiki Tub after it was destroyed by those Humunginauts, shows true Civic Leadership," Sheriff Stone complemented.

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