The Night the Clown Cried 2: Tears of Doom

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Fred: Previously on Mystery Incorporated.

"Angel,You didn't tell me that,You told me about that you were Cassidy Williams,you never told me that I was hiding a big Clue to the Mystery,we've been solving,you lied to me," Louis pointed out.

"Wait,You knew?" Scooby said.

Louis lowered his Head.

"Yes,Yes,I did ,I've known since the First Couple of Mysteries of us together," Louis informed

"Another Secret,Who are you tonight? Are you even the same Louis I know? Or,Is that one not real?" Scooby lashed out angrily as he grabbed onto Louis's Shoulders with his Paws tightly.

"Scooby,I am sorry,I did not know,I was hiding this much,all I knew was that I was hiding her Secret Identity,that was it," Louis explained not looking up at him.

"Louis,I trusted you,I trusted that you would not hide anything important,Why did you not Communicate with me?" Scooby complained wanting an answer.

"I don't know," Louis replied.

"That's not an Answer," Scooby yelled.

"This is exactly what I expected," Louis announced as he forced Scooby's Paws off his Shoulders and rolled to the edge of the Cliff.

"I knew once you figured out that I hid Secrets,you would not want to be my Friend anymore,and,I was right,besides,it's not like I deserve your Friendship," Louis warned.

"But,I forgive you," Scooby said.

"You do?" Louis questioned.

"Yes,I do,as long as we agree on one thing," Scooby added as he let go of his Face.

"What?" Louis responded worriedly.

"No more Secrets," Scooby finished with a smile.

"No more Secrets," Louis agreed as he smiled.

"Now,Our Friendship is gonna last forever,I know that much," Scooby commented.  

"My Real Name isn't Angel Dynamite,It's Cassidy Williams,I'm one of the Original Gang Members of Mystery Incorporated that disappeared," Angel explained.

"You lied to us,Angel,You've been lying to us from the Beginning,Why should we listen to anything that you have to say us now?" Fred questioned.

Angel looked at them with Shock.

"Oh,Baylor,You're everything I knew I wanted," Daphne complemented as he opened the Door for her and had her sit.

"Yes I do,Fred,I've moved on,I'm Happy now,For the first time,I found Someone, who cares about me,more than Their Traps," Daphne explained as she stood on the Porch.

Fred watched as they were having Dinner and holding Hands.

"We're all Responsible,Fred,We're a Team,Remember," Shaggy reassured as he knelt down and put his Hand on Fred's Other Shoulder.

"We're not a Team,not without Daphne,And,Now I know,She's never coming back," Fred warned.

Daphne and Baylor walked off to their Car.

"We need a New Daphne,and,I have just the Girl," Velma informed as she pulled Marcie to Her Side.

"Hot Dog Water," Shaggy,Louis, and Fred responded in unison.

"I don't know,either,Shag,I mean,I always wanted for us to be Friends,but,Daphne is irreplaceable," Louis agreed with Shaggy as he explained his Answer.

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