Howl Of The Fright Hound

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At the Animal Asylum.

"Oh Please! Please stop!" One of the Prison guards begged.

"Please! No more, No more," The other Guard pleaded.

The Guards were begging for the other Guard to not pour another cup of Coffee.

"What was that? I turned the volume down on my hearing aid," Prison Guard, Willard wondered.

"Willard, you know I don't drink that much Coffee, it aggravates my plumbing,"  Guard 2 warned.

Suddenly the Prison shook as the Guards looked around and Willard's cup dropped.

"Hey! What was that?" Willard shouted.

"What is it?" Guard 2 asked.

"Breach in Sector A," Guard 1 announced.

 "Emergency Lockdown," Willard demanded.

As they pressed the Lockdown button and the Guards grabbed Shotguns from the case as they defended Sector A from what was coming.

They heard more sounds as they moved their Shotguns around.

That was until they saw it burst out of the wall.

It revealed a mean, Red-Eyed Dog.

The Guards screamed as it growled and approached.

The Dog attacked them throwing the Guards across the room.

New Guards came in ready to attack but it threw them across the room as well.

It growled at them as they all retreated and it watched.

The Next day at School.

"Like another boring day of regular boring School," Shaggy complained as the Gang sat outside Schhol.

"I'm sure we could find some ways to spice things up," Velma reassured.

Scooby got up and completely ignored that Louis was there next to him and Shaggy.

Scooby walked over Louis's lap.

"Ow," Louis muttered sulking from what happened the other night.

"Yum, Spicy, like Spicy Meatballs," Scooby mentioned pushing Velma out of the way.

"Ugh, You know, sometimes I feel like a side of Mayo on a Shaggy and Scooby Sandwich," Velma stated.

"Yum, Mayo," They answered in unison.

"It's time you made a choice, Dog or me," Velma brought up as she smiled at him and got closer to him.

"Heh,heh,um yeah," Shaggy stuttered.

Suddenly they heard a noise as Scooby pushed Velma away and jumped in Shaggy's arms screaming.

As a Robot Spider walked through the Street.

"Dude, my paint job," Ethan complained.

As the Spider went to Gary's car and broke his antenna ball.

"My Chubby the Chipmunk Educational Antenna Ball," Gary whined.

"What is that thing," Daphne asked in worry.

"It's a Mystery,Daphne, and the only thing that'll stop a mystery,is a trap," Fred responded.

As Fred stood in front of it.

As a Boy stood next to it.

"That or an ingeniously fashioned Remote Control,ha,ha, look Velma, all those Jocks and Populars cower when faced with my mechanical menace, Who's in charge now Jocks and Populars?" The boy explained.

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