Chapter 2- No, That's Wrong!

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Byakuya Togami had taken responsibility for all of their lives. When Monokuma had jovially announced they were trapped on this island and would be forced into being contestants of a killing game, Monomi, their 'teacher' had tried to fight him off, but ended up getting brutally beaten up instead, destroying her 'magic stick' in the process.

Monokuma had forcefully given her some kind of a dreadful makeover, imitating his half and half design on her, making her half pink and half white.

Without even asking anyone else for consent, Togami appointed himself the leader, despite the presence of Nekomaru Nidai, the Ultimate Team Manager. It was uncalled for, but it was reassuring, even if a tiny bit.

They were given seventeen cottages to live in with a single room and a bathroom. They were located west of the beach with the hotel restaurant straight up ahead. Komaeda walked you over to yours, searching for your name on the doors. None of you spoke before at last he found the room you would be living in.

"Thanks for walking me here," you told him. "See the morning."
Komaeda looked straight towards the pool, the moon's reflection rippling on the surface of the water. Was he thinking about the killing game too? Had his usual bright demeanour faded a little with what horror Monokuma had greeted them with?

"I can feel..." he finally spoke, his voice so low it could have been a whisper of the wind brushing against the coconut leaves. "I can feel your hope...diminish."

You looked at him, uncertain of what he meant. "Before...your eyes were brimming to the top with hope despite you holding some kind of sadness which makes you value yourself less being the Ultimate Poet, but now that hope is fading. I wonder if you'll ever plunge into despair...if you know what I mean."

In that moment, your heart seared. Not because at that moment in the lowly illuminated night, he looked absolutely beautiful, his hair swaying in and out of his fair, sculpture-chiselled face, or because his dream-like orbs stared right at you unblinkingly, but because he was truly the most fascinating person you had met. It was absolutely impossible to interpret his thoughts, like a piece of poetry in another language, so ancient and so difficult to understand, you couldn't decode it if you wanted to, your entire life.
You would keep him beside you, close to you forever, until you could understand exactly what kind of an amazing work of art he was.

"No. I won't plunge into despair."

Komaeda's half open eyes widened in pleasant surprise. You were both leaning on either sides of the door frame in your cottage and there was not a soul in sight. He moved closer, until he was only an inch away from your face. You could count every eyelash, every small light reflected in his eyes. He had eye bags on closer inspection, what did he spend his nights doing?

After that last thought, you couldn't look him in the face as your own blossomed a deep scarlet, thankfully obscured by the darkness.

"Well that's just...wonderful. I can't tell you how happy it makes me to hear that..." His mouth was so close to yours, you felt a foreign feeling tingle your insides sending goosebumps over your entire body.
He leaned in closer, lips brushing against yours as he pulled you into your cottage so no one would catch a glimpse of the both of you. His tender lips caressed yours his hands reaching down to your waist.

Komaeda's tall slim body pressed into you, fitting into your curves perfectly. He held you against him like this for quite a while, caressing your lips, but it still felt so deep. He tasted a little of bread, you thought. Bread and coffee.

"Well...goodnight." Komaeda said, once he broke away from you. "I'll see you breakfast."

"Goodnight, Komaeda," you said giving him a small smile, "See you."

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