Chapter 5- Divided Despair

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This chapter contains sexual content, not suitable for readers under 16. Reader discretion advised.

As time passed, the bags under Mikan's eyes grew deeper and deeper. Hinata and Kuzuryu went back to their cottages only once a night, to sleep because sleeping in the hospital wasn't allowed. You and Mikan managed to convince Monokuma to let you stay with the patients.
Soda had put together a kind of webcam device which would allow both groups of quarantined people to interact without physical contact.

You cooked and washed while the boys helped around here and there. You walked into Nagito's room with two bowls of steaming broth balanced on a tray. Mikan was there as usual, wetting a cloth to place on his hot forehead.

"This bowl is for you." You said handing over the food to the nurse. "You refuse to get any rest so-"

"B-but I need to take care of Nagito too-!"

"It's fine. I shall feed him for now. Please go and eat in the lobby." You insisted, holding Mikan's hand in two of yours. "You've done so much...I could never pay you back or even start to thank you. But..."
You strayed, glancing at Nagito from under his covers. Your voice was choked when you spoke again. It was just a little difficult, trying to be so strong.

"I fear Nagito might not-"

"No!" Mikan took the bowl of broth from the tray. "I'll do whatever it takes to keep Nagito alive! So, I'll eat this broth to get my strength back! I'll never let him die!"

You reached forward and hugged her. That was all you could do, really.


"Thank you." You whispered into her ear, holding her tightly. "Thank you for being here."

Mikan froze for a few seconds, unsure. Then, her arms wrapped around you too before she broke away and headed into the lobby to eat with the boys.

Now...Nagito. You walked over towards his bedside, your heart twisting when you finally saw him after all those days of away to avoid infection. His cheeks were sunken and his face was even paler, if that were possible. He was wearing a pale green hospital robe deepening at the chest. His eyes were closed but they fluttered open at your presence.

"What are you... doing here?"

"I came with food."

"I'm hungry."

This meant he wasn't hungry.

"I know. But you have to try. Please. For me."

"I don't care about you."

"I know. I care about you too. That's why I'm trying to get you back on your feet as soon as I can."

You picked up the spoon and pushed broth into his open mouth. You had to insist to feed him a couple of times, but he managed to finish the whole bowl.
"That's a good boy. With Mikan, you'll be just alright again."

You bent down and kissed him softly. His lips were so cracked, they felt like sandpaper. Nagito kissed back too, his weak hands pulling your waist closer to him. "It much." He said. "My head hurts so bad."

"I know, Nagito. I wish I could do something to help you, but...I can't think of any other way than to cook for you and motivate Mikan..."

"Then just keep doing that." He smiled, your foreheads pressed together as he held you close, his warm breath tickling your cheeks. For the first time, he'd spoken truthful words.
"That's enough for me."
You slept in the room right next to Nagito's, so you would hear him call if he ever needed help. Not that you had to...Mikan was always there after all.
But even with a skill like that, Mikan Tsumiki was far from appreciating herself, let alone being proud about herself.
Your mother had always wanted you to have a practical, strong Talent such as being a soldier or a healer, being the Ultimate Surgeon herself. Her disappointment was immeasurable when she discovered all you were good for was to etch empty words upon a piece of paper.

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