Chapter 22- Threat and Thunder

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"Good morning, Y/N,"
Hajime stood up when he saw you being pushed towards the breakfast table by Nanami, speaking through a mouthful of toast.
"Are you feeling better now? You've been bedridden for three days. Nagito wouldn't let us wake you up because he said you needed rest..."

"Yeah, I'm sorry about that...I was asleep most of the while, actually."

"Come 'ere and fill up your deprived belly with some food!" Akane said, guzzling down a banana milkshake. "I still haven't recovered from when we were locked up in The Funhouse!"

"But Akane, it's been a month since then..." Hajime sighed.

You had breakfast with the everyone, but Nagito was missing. Where could he be so early in the morning? He couldn't be asleep because he was an early riser.

"Hah, that was good!" Akane finally gave her constant chewing and tearing a break and slumped back on her chair. "I'm a growing kid, y'know! I need my nutrition!"

"I don't think you're going to grow anymore," Kazuichi said doubtfully. "Aren't you like, seventeen or something?"

"I will be excusing myself to the ladies' room, everyone," Miss Sonia said, smiling cheerfully. "I shall be right back."

"Yes, yes, Miss Sonia," Kazuichi drooled happily. "I can't stand your absence any longer..."

"But she hasn't even left yet!" Fuyuhiko pointed out.

"I know, but I can already feel the pain of separation!"

"You're such a fuckin' simp you're weirding even me out..." The Ultimate Gangster said, face-palming himself. "Hey Sonia, don't be freaked by this bastard, he's just a harmless old idiot."

"Who're you calling an idiot?!"

As they bickered and fought, you felt Nagito's absence even more unnerving. He was definitely not asleep. Where on earth was he? His behaviour in the past one month, ever since their time in the Final Dead Room had been incomprehensible and sinister.
If you didn't know any better, you would think he was certainly out of his mind.

Suddenly, the whole ground shook with an explosion, knocking glasses and plates off the table and making Kazuichi and Miss Sonia scream. A mushroom cloud formed in a distance with a huge KABOOM! scattering birds and debris and plants. It felt like you had been through a similar experience before...but you had, indeed, having taken a Memory Pill.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" Fuyuhiko bellowed in shock.

"BEATS ME!" Akane roared back.

A horribly familiar voice chuckled a few metres away. Nagito walked in, his shoes click-clacking on the floor.
"Tsk-tsk, such a boring, normal response to an explosion such as this from boring, normal people. I can't say I expected any better," he said softly while smirking. "You're Ultimates, but only in title. In reality, you're just-"

He was interrupted abruptly as Akane pounced on him in rage, pinning him down on the floor as her burly hands reached for his neck, throttling him brutally.

" damn bastard! Who the hell do you think you are? One day you're just putting yourself down and saying you're trash, and now you're blowing up bombs while we're having breakfast and call us worthless? I won't-" her hands tightened around his throat. "I WON'T forgive this!"

"Akane!" You screamed, struggling to get out of your wheelchair, but Fuyuhiko pinned you to the wheelchair by placing his hands on your shoulders, standing behind you.
"No...let me go! She's going to kill him!"

"What would you do to stop that? You're in a wheelchair," he replied, his brow furrowed nervously. "This is bloody messed up, but all bad things seem to be happening because of Nagito-"

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