Chapter 12- Blood and Dread

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Everyday was like the day before in the Strawberry House. Everyday, the knot in your intestines grew tighter and tighter, your stomach pleaded for nourishment desperately.

The confectionery were long finished and the only water you could consume was from the shower. Everyone tried to be hopeful and optimistic but that hope was hanging by a thread. But it would be alright; because,

The next morning, you would make your move.

You mentally prepared yourself when you woke up to the announcement again. You walked over to the hall where they did morning calisthenics, but a horrible sight greeted you.

A broken and dismantled robotic body was lying in splinters in the ground in a pool of blue smelly fluid. You glanced a few feet away, and a nauseating realisation hit you like a truck.
Nidai's decapitated head was lying in another huge blue pool, his eyes still wide open as if in a state of shock.
You felt weak in the knees and queasy in your mouth but managed to keep standing. Nekomaru Nidai was dead.

Miss Sonia was already standing there but you had not noticed her because of the gruesome scene before you. She had a hand clasped over her face with tears running down her cheeks. Pull yourself together, you told yourself. fine. I've gotten used to it. There are deaths happening everywhere around the world, even within a number as small as ours.

You walked over to Miss Sonia and put an arm around her shoulders in a futile attempt to calm her.
"Nekomaru had just..." She wept heart-achingly. "He had just come back to us...he was loud and not very discreet,'s not me you should be comforting, Y/N, I'm more scared about-"

Akane walked in. It was her Miss Sonia was scared about. You had wanted to break it to Akane slower, gentler, perhaps make her mentally stable before she would see Nidai like that...but now it was too late.
You knew it would hurt the most for her. After all, she was the one closest to Nidai. The pair had spent their days on the island battling physically, both being muscular and strong. Akane almost always lost, dripping in blood by the end of their fight, but they were always together, like a pair of best friends. And if you might say so yourself, they were probably closer than that.

Akane could not speak a word when the reality of the situation sunk into her.
She stumbled closer to the head lying on the ground, and held it to her quietly. But she was not quiet for long. She screamed and cursed and kicked, deaf to your words of comfort.
Her racket made everyone else in the Strawberry House come running. Nagito's face had an expression of inconvenience more than sadness. He stared down at the smashed carcass on the floor for quite some time, trying to find the weapon that had been used on someone as robust as Nidai. Only a broken pillar lay on the ground, also coated with the blue fluid which was probably Nidai's petrol. He shook his head, and walked off.

"How can Nagito be so unfeeling?" Miss Sonia said, her tears now dried. "I don't want to accuse him but-"

"It could not have been him. He woke up after all of us came here," you refuted firmly.

"He is usually an early riser, isn't he?" Nanami said, while leaning closer to the splinters of metal. "It's possible for him to have woken up before everyone else, kill Nidai and go back to sleep only to come out later pretending to be surprised someone died."

"Hey," you said, scrowling at Nanami. "Think about what you're saying. Nidai is four times bigger than Nagito. How do you think he could have pulled off something like that?"

"He also almost managed to kill Togami, who was thrice as big as him. What he lacks in strength, he makes up for with wit, don't you think?"

"You cannot go around accusing people without proof. You are the last person I expect this from, Nanami."

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