Chapter 19- The Lady Who Started It All

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"Oh no, Komaeda Senpai. This is bad."

"So I guess I have a fever from that day in the rain, huh?"
Komaeda lay in bed with a heavy blanket over his warm body, a damp cloth over his forehead and a resigned look on his face, which was flushed red with heat. Y/N stood by his side, dejectedly reading his body temperature from the thermometer.

"'s more than a hundred degrees. I'm afraid you'll have to stay home today."

"Oh. And just when I have my practical exams right around the corner. Just my luck..."

"Don't worry, I'll bring the notes from somebody in your class. That is, if you are okay being left home alone when sick. Now that I think about it, I probably should not go..."

"No, no," Komaeda coughed, his voice getting hoarse. "I'll be fine. I won't get out of bed. Don't miss your classes, you have more exams then I do."

"Alright. But call me if you need me. I have prepared your lunch and kept it in the oven, so please heat it up when you are hungry. Don't open the door for anyone and-"

"I've got it. Please go, or you'll be late."

"...okay. See you later, Komaeda Senpai."

"Goodbye. Study hard!"
She walked downhill towards the direction of her school while reading some notes that that black haired girl had given her. If not for her, that day she would have surely failed the class test. And today there was yet another one. Y/N sighed in resignation. High school was far from the golden years, as people described it to be. It was nothing but excessive stress, peer pressure and academics bundled into a single year of utter hell.

She was walking and reading, minding her own business, when three things happened all at once.
She got hit by a car.

Her notes flew out of her hand, and landed on its windshield.
A car skided into a halt and while Y/N lay aghast on the road, could hear a woman scream.

"Oh my goodness, just what were you thinking being a nerd in the middle of the street, huh? I could have killed you, girlie!"

A tall woman with strawberry blonde hair and bright blue eyes bent low, her upside down face right over Y/N's. She had just climbed out of her expensive looking car, and stared down at her in disapproval while sulking.


"Jeez, it's fine. Get up."
The woman reached out a hand towards her, and Y/N took it, still dazed. The woman was extremely attractive. Her hair was combed into two lushy pigtails which reached her back. She was dressed in a luxurious leopard-skin furcoat and a tight black miniskirt and wore tall leather boots which reached all the way to her kneecaps.
Her rose colored sunglasses were balanced atop her head, and she grinned when she saw Y/N eyeing her.

"Ogling at the beautiful Lady Junko Enoshima already, huh? I know I'm hot, but try to keep your raging hormones in check, girlie! Anyway, you're not hurt, are you?"

"Wh-what? I'm sorry, I did not mean to stare, I was just so shocked when I got hit by your car...not that it's any of your fault, I should have been more careful. And no, I'm not hurt, but-"

You looked down, wincing at a sudden sting on your knee. You raised it to see where you were hurt, and saw that the rough pavement had scraped some off the skin off, making it bleed.

Luck And Poetry (Nagito X Reader)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora