Chapter 17- Goodbye, Yet Another Friend.

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"Nekomaru told us, he had a sleep button on his nape,"

Hajime reported, frowning in concentration. "Someone as big and strong as him couldn't have lost a physical fight that easily. I'm certain the culprit distracted him in some manner, and pressed the button on his nape, switching him off immediately and smashed open his head and the rest of the body, and that blue oil in his body must have leaked out."

"I agree," Nanami said. "But what was Mechamaru hit with? Could it have been the Ultimate Weapon Nagito and Y/N tried to win?"

You opened your mouth to say you had never wanted to win the weapon, only wanted your memories back. But you decided not to say anything. You would defend yourself if you were ever accused.

"He was killed by that pillar lyin' close to him!" Akane declared. "He had a metal body, right? Nothing except for that pillar could've been used against him!"

"Okay, but how could the culprit have possibly lifted the pillar up to strike him?" Hajime argued. "We're overestimating the culprit's strength here..."

"This is so stupid..."

"What?" Hajime asked Nagito, who had spoken. He was looking extremely bored, as if someone was forcing him to watch kids' TV shows.

"You guys...seems like I overestimated you," Nagito sighed disappointedly. "It's so obvious who the culprit is. Even to someone as lowly, insignificant and useless as me!"

"Well then, Nagito, why don't you tell us?" Nanami said, frowning. "All of our lives are at stake including yours. Why not tell us rather than rub in our faces about how smart you are?"

"Me? Smart?" Repeated Nagito, shaking his head while laughing. "Nope. It is all of you that are so ignorant."

"Okay, so," Hajime continued, ignoring Nagito. "The Strawberry House is connected to the Grape House. The killer used the elevator and later blocked it, so we wouldn't be able to investigate it immediately, which would give us less time up until the Class Trial. So the suspects are everyone in the Grape House. Which is me, Gundham, Kazuichi and Fuyuhiko."

"Baby Gangsta couldn't have dunnit 'cz he's too tiny, and Kazuichi is too much of a simp and a chicken so-" Akane crossed out the names of the suspects with her... unreasonable deductions.

"Baby Gangsta?!" Repeated Fuyuhiko, offended. "H-hey, don't call me that!"

"And I'm not a simp!" Kazuichi insisted. "But for Miss Sonia I might just-"

"Aw man, this is unbelievable!" Nagito groaned, face-palming himself. "Are you guys really even Ultimates? This is so embarrassing, I can't bear to-"

"Nagito," Hajime said, taking a deep breath before talking. "You know, we're doing our best here but if you don't think it's up to your standards-"

"I'd rather not say, sorry!" Nagito smiled, holding up his hands in resignation. "If a couple of Ultimates can't even solve a silly little murder mystery, maybe we all deserve to die."

"Shut up, you bastard!" Akane yelled, smashing her fist into the podium. "What are you calling a 'silly little murder mystery'?! Nekomaru died here! I'll beat you up into a pulp if you talk crap about his death ever again!"

"Fine, I'll be quiet," Nagito said cheerfully. "Carry on, please."

The Class Trial progressed for quite some time, until they were at last able to narrow the list of suspects to one person.
Hajime pointed a finger at the last person you expected to be involved in this murder.
" was you, wasn't it?"

Gundham stood in silence for a few seconds. His long purple scarf was wrapped around his neck, covering his chin and reaching all the way to his knees. He blinked, the scar on his eye showing. His arms were folded within his voluminous dark colored clothes with occult symbols imprinted on them. Deathly silence bestowed the court room.
Then, Gundham Tanaka smiled.

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