Chapter 24- Lull Before the Storm

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"My midterms just ended," she announced happily. "Right in time for your return. Isn't that amazing?"

She sat on the edge of her seat like an excited child. We had reached home, its familiar warm aura making me feel cheerful almost immediately. But then I saw an unfamiliar piece of clothing draped across the sofa.

"Hey, Y/N, what's this?" I said, picking it up with two fingers. It was an unpleasantly familiar garment, a tight black miniskirt woven out of synthetic fibres.
"Since when have you started wearing things like-?"

"Oh, that's not mine!" She laughed heartily. "That's Junko's! We had a sleepover here last night, and she spilt soda all over her lap, so I just hung it out to dry and gave her something of mine to wear."

"You're on first name basis now?" I raised an eyebrow.

"She is my friend! Plus, she said it was quite alright."

"I can't stop you from having sleepovers with her..." I said, dropping the skirt. "But I still don't like her..."

"You should go and change," Y/N said, her tone turning slightly serious. "Go on, then we can talk some more."

"I'll unpack first," I replied, rising from my seat and dragging my suitcase into my room. "After that, you want to shower together?"

"Wh-What?!" Her face turned red as she turned her head furiously. "Of course not! Go unpack, I'll be right here!"

I laughed softly as I switched on the radio setting on my phone and it started playing pop music. The first song didn't suit me much, but I let it keep playing as I placed it on my table and began to unpack.

"From the top, make it drop, like some wet ass-"

"Komaeda Senpai, what are you listening to?" Y/N's voice called curiously.

"It's playing on the radio! I didn't choose for it to play." I replied, feeling embarrassed.
I walked over and changed the song, hoping this one would be better.
I sat back down on the floor again, and had merely started taking clothes out when the music blared-

"I save dick by giving it CPR, I save dick by giving it CPR!
Put my mouth on it like CPR, let's make porn and watch it on VCR!"

"Ummm...Komaeda Senpai?"

"Like I said, it's playing on the radio!" My face had started to get warm and I cursed my bad luck feverishly. "Damn it, what's wrong with the radio today?!"

Third time's the charm, I thought, changing the song once more. Y/N peeked her head around the doorway, smiling amusedly.

"Don't worry," I dismissed, pulling out a couple of shirts from the suitcase. "You won't have to listen to music like that anymo-"

"C'mon, fuck me emo boy! C'mon fuck me emo boy-!"

Y/N sucked in her cheeks to stop herself from reacting, but chortled out loud, unable to control herself from erupting into laughter. My face turned red in humiliation as I gave up and switched off the music entirely. What must she think of me now?

"There, there, Komaeda Senpai," she giggled, patting me on the shoulder. "You sure have a questionable taste in music..."

"No! It just won't play normal music!"

"I'll play some normal music," she said, taking my phone from me. "Unlock it." I did as she asked.

" much better," I sighed, finally finishing unpacking and preparing for a shower. "Anyways, how are my classmates and Yukizome Sensei? I assume you've kept in touch with them?"

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