Chapter 18- Sugar-Dusted Manipulation

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Your breath tickles my ears,
Shivers and sweet fragrance engulf me
You tease at all my dreams and desires, even all my fears.

You are the sun; my heart is sure to melt,
When I'm cold I wrap fond memories of you around myself,
All I can do is to secretly condemn,
When I picturise those grey eyes,
Unravelling my misery by themselves.

Your laughter tugs at my heartstrings,
Your whispers lull me to sleep
This isn't the first or the last time I'll see you,
But my heart still skips a beat.

Darling Dandelion,
Pray, in the wind never blow away,
Lonely I shall ever be.
All the treasury and pearls of this world,
Cannot replace the ecstasy thou make me feel.

"I'll be damned, this is no good..."
You sighed and shut your book, sitting by the beach under an umbrella Fuyuhiko had planted there for you, because you could not have yourself. It was getting difficult to concentrate on writing poetry, when the only thing you could think of was those damned Memory Pills.

"Did I just hear you curse?" Fuyuhiko walked up from behind you, dressed in swimming trunks and rubbing sunscreen cream on his back and arms. "What's wrong?"

"Fuyuhiko? What are you doing here?"

"Oh, y'know, thought I'd take a swim. It's fuckin' boiling. Anyways, what were you complaining about?

"Oh, nothing worth concern, really..."

"C'mon, spit it out."

"Well...I just cannot seem to write good poetry, no matter how hard I try...I just cannot focus."

"Huh? How bad can the Ultimate Poet possibly get while writing poetry? Show me and I'll tell you if it's really bad."

"Ah, thanks but no thanks. I shall show you after I write a good one."

"Oh, I see why you don't wanna show me your book..." Fuyuhiko finished coating himself with the yellow-white cream and did something he rarely ever did. Not after Pekoyama died, anyway. He smiled. It was more of a smirk, a mischievous, childish grin.
"You're writing about perverted things arentcha? It's always the quiet ones who're the biggest freaks."

"Wh-what?!" You exclaimed, shocked. "That's not...I was not writing any lewd-"

"You've been pretty chummy-chummy with Nagito lately, huh?" He slipped his flip-flops off. "Were you writing about him?"
His smile broadened as he loosened his eye patch to take it off before swimming.

"No! You've got the completely wrong idea..."

"Sure, if you say so. Anyways, mind holding on to this for me?" He handed you his eyepatch. Immediately without realising, your gaze travelled up to the eye he had lost at the day of Pekoyama's execution. It was a healed cavity in his eye socket now, and it was safe to assume it no longer pained him.

"Pretty gross, huh? Anyway, I'll see you soon. Bye."

After giving you the eyepatch, he jumped into the sea, swimming in steady and swift strokes midst the gentle azure waves of the ocean.

"Hello, Y/N. How do you do?"
A soft voice spoke behind you, its owner placing both her hands on your shoulders.

"Oh, how do you do, Miss Sonia. What brings you here?"

"I saw you here all by yourself. I thought I would give you some company, since Fuyuhiko has gone for a dip." She smiled down at you, the corners of her beautiful silver eyes crinkling up. She seemed to have recovered from the grief she had been burdened with, since Gundham's demise.

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