Chapter 29- What Despair Feels Like

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A.N: Dear Readers, I'm going to have you go to Spotify and play a song for this one chapter, too. It's called "Day and Night" By Christina Nova on loop. Thank you.
"Watch out!"

Y/N darted forward and pushed Komaeda out of the way, kicking at a Monokuma which was about to attack him, before hitting a masked child in the face with the handle of her knife.

"You cannot let your guard down around here! This is the fifth time you were about to get killed!"

Lying on the floor because of being pushed, he smirked affectionately, hands on the rubble.
"Ah..I'm sorry...but you said you'd be my saviour on the day we first met, right?"

She sighed, holding the blade before her.
"Why did you want to come to this city, anyway? For refuge? All our friends are outside this city, and they're doing fine."

"You don't know that," Ko said, getting up and walking up to her. "It'd be sad if something were to happen to them...but it'd be just awful if something were to happen to us. Priorities, you know."

"You're just-"
She couldn't finish, something hard and metallic hit her head and she crashed down on the floor, getting up immediately to knife the attacker, when she was hit again, on the stomach this time. She plunged the blade hard into their shoulder, making it scream gutturally. Another Monokuma kid shot her with a taser gun at her waist, which made her entire body twitch and fall on the hard, cracked gravel. She reached her hand out towards where Komaeda was standing, trying to muster the strength to protect him from the demonic children, but her body betrayed her, as her hand fell to the floor, and she passed out.

"You're awake."
Y/N looked around, realising she was in a room, lying on a bed where she had been unconscious previously. A woollen blanket was covering her, she looked up to see Komaeda himself.

"You were out for quite some time. I'm unhurt because I surrendered without a fight. Sometimes, violence isn't the answer, you know,"

He reached forwards and pulled the blanket off her, gently tracing her wounds with one long finger.

"It seems Towa City is run by five children. Sounds ridiculous, I know, but that's how it is. Also..."

He gestured towards something on his body, Y/N's eyes widened to see that a long metal leash hung low on his neck, the end of which trailed his abdomen.
"They've proclaimed me as their servant, in return for my loyal service."

"What?!" She exclaimed, grabbing his hand.
"What in the- this is absurd! I won't-"

"Yes, you will co-operate."

A blue haired child walked into the room, arms folded across his chest.
"He is our servant now. And you...shall be our defender against any...troublesome miscalculations."

"Who do you think you are, giving out orders to me?" Y/N hissed, looking at him loathingly.

"Your saviour. I could have had you slaughtered. Devils like you had that coming anyway." He added, looking back at her just as menacingly.
"But yet, you're here, alive. Pay off what you owe us, won't you?"

Y/N blinked at him once, and then burst out laughing suddenly.
"Look at you, talking all big like you're a grown up! But if you want me to babysit you, I won't be able to, because I'm only here in this city to have fun. Quite a killing spree you have going out there!"

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