Story Finale- Chapter 35: Luck and Poetry

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Author's Note: I know these are annoying, but I feel like it's important for me to express my gratitude to all of you! I've put my heart and soul into this book for these past few months and your comments and your votes have always made my heart so full. There are a few minor things I'd like to say, hopefully you'll give me your time.
I've kept Y/N's body shape, ethnicity, skin/ hair color anonymous so that the story would suit any female reader. Unfortunately, I did need to use 'she/her' pronouns for obvious reasons. But I respect and encourage all pronouns.
Second, the narration POV from 'you' to 'I' was deliberate, simply because I wanted to express more emotion in these few chapters.
I switched to Hajime's POV in Chapter 29 because Y/N couldn't process proper framed thoughts anymore after Nagito's 'death', basically like the effects of shell-shock. The story need to be pursued anyway and Hajime was the next closest person to Y/N.

I thank you with all my heart and hope I've managed to meet your expectations, if not exceed them.
This is the last chapter of Luck And Poetry. I love and I'll miss all of you who gave my book a chance. Please comment! I'll try to reply to everyone!

Edit: My new book, "Chains" another Nagito X Reader is out now! Please give it a read too if you enjoyed this one!

Luck and Poetry
Tribute to Nagito Komaeda.
"Once we get out of this place... I'll do whatever I can to rid you of your illness."

That's what I promised.

"Is there- really nothing you can do for me?"

"I've already told you, miss. We've managed to cure his Malignant Lymphoma through intense chemotherapy sessions. It was also fortunate that he had Hodgkin lymphoma, which is statistically more curable in children and young adults. But what we really can't do anything his Frontotemporal Dementia. Some people having it have dramatic changes in their personalities and become socially inappropriate, impulsiv-"

"I don't need to learn anymore about it!" I yelled, rejecting his numerous folders to the side.
"I am not a medical student...but I've done enough research to already know everything in these folders. I only to help me save him..."

"You've done enough. Thank you and sorry, doctor. I won't bother you anymore. Goodbye now."

Ultimate Doctor.
Ultimate Nurse.
Ultimate Pharmaceutical Scientist.

I've been to all of them, and more. I've brought him a dog, taking their advice to make sure he never feels lonely or depressed. And I won't give up now. I'll never, ever ever give up...

"Everything okay, Y/N?"
Ko Senpai opens the door for me, his mouth the shape of a curious o. He carries the dog in front of his chest. I blink at it a few times and smile.

"Yes, everything's fine..."

"I've just been cured of my tedious illness, so why are you sulking? Let's go out and celebrate!" He jumped a little in his pyjamas, making the dog bark for joy too.

"Oh come on...not now. It's almost eleven..."

"Yes, that's what I was going to say." His voice suddenly turns deep and reprimanding.
"Why were you out for so long? Come in now, so I can punish you in bed."

"Be quiet!"

When I entered the restaurant, he was already waiting for me.

"Oh, Y/N!" Senpai waved enthusiastically, putting his phone down. He was dressed in a white coat over a black shirt, his hair tied back in a ponytail. "Here!"

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