Chapter 7- I love you too

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Someone knocked on your door while you leaned idly against the bed, sitting on the floor. You were zoning out by staring out of the window, the only noise being the dull sound of the rotating fan.

The sharp noise interrupted your solitude abruptly, as you debated on whether or not to ask them to come in.

"Come in."

"Um, hi Y/N. It's just me."
You looked behind you to see the source of the voice, it turned out to be Sonia, the Ultimate Princess. You had never really been that close with her, but whenever you did talk, you were always formally polite to one another.
She was looking as impeccable as she always did, carrying some food on a tray.

"Hajime told me you worked so hard to take care of everyone at the hospital, you barely had time to eat yourself. I brought you something to eat, seeing you must be so exhausted by the whole ordeal."

"I appreciate it, Miss Nevermind, but I really do not have an appetite."

"I know that's a lie. If you don't want to eat by yourself, I could feed you."

"Why do you care, miss Nevermind?" You questioned, with a soft chuckle. "Why are you-"

"And please don't address me as Miss Nevermind." She said, sitting down on the floor next to you, neatly tucking in her dress. "Say, why do you always address everyone by their last names until they ask you not to?"

"I is just polite. I don't want to act like I'm their friend and close with them when I'm actually not... nothing personal."

"We are all friends here." She declared, her grey eyes glaring but yet having a soft kindness to them. "Friends can call each other by their first names, nicknames, petnames-"

"Friends also don't kill one another," you said glancing at the food Sonia had brought along. A bowl of vanilla custard pudding topped with chopped blueberries and strawberries.

Had she brought food of your liking just to tempt you into eating it? Well, you wouldn't give into it, you decided stubbornly.

"So far, all the murders which have happened have never been out of spite, or enmity."
She said, holding a spoon in her small fair hand. "Every crime which has occured as either been out of desperation to flee, or to protect a loved one. As for Mikan...she only broke because she was affected by the Despair disease. That does not mean that we were never friends."

She dipped the spoon into the custard, holding it up to your face. "I, for one, firmly believe that."

"I said I do not wish to eat."

"And I hereby order you to eat, as the Ultimate Princess!" Her eyes became serious yet again, before they softened and smiled.
"Please," she added.

You gave in and opened your mouth. The custard's creamy vanilla taste filled your dry mouth, while the blueberries burst under your teeth, sweet and juicy. It being the first thing you ate since two days, tasted like heaven on a platter.
"Do you like it? I made it myself since we no longer have Teruteru with us."

"Yes... it is really delicious."
Eating needed no more persuasion from her side. You rather liked her soft, firm and generous nature, but dismissed the thought almost immediately. You could no longer afford to get attached to anyone.

Because betrayal hurt far too much than you were willing to take.

Suddenly, Nagito walked into the cottage and saw you and Miss Sonia on the floor, her holding a spoon in her hand and your mouth full of custard.
Surprised, he smiled. "Oh, I'm so sorry! I didn't know you guys were here together. I'll just come back when you're not busy."

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