Chapter 20- You Can't Hide From Me

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"I'mma get going now! Thanks for the food, girlie!"

"I'm glad you seemed to like it. Come by again sometime, if you want to."

"Heee, sure thing!"

Miss Enoshima left, her boots click-clacking at her heels. Y/N took a deep breath, tired with all that had happened in the long day. She was about to turn around, when someone grabbed her from behind and wrapped two arms around her waist.

"Wh- Ko Senpai?"

"Hey. Why did you invite her in without telling me? I don't like her." Komaeda placed his chin on her right shoulder and from peripheral vision she could see him sulking.

"Well, it wouldn't have been very polite of me to just- give her the bag and bid her off, plus she helped me out a lot today, and we don't even know each other..."
Y/N didn't bother to ask why Ko did not like her. He disliked loud places and people, also Miss Enoshima was far too...outspoken for his liking, probably.

"Let's go inside, okay? You're still not well."

"I feel much better," Ko insisted. "Do you want to go to the movies and-"

"No." She said firmly, pulling herself out of his grasp and pushing him into the house. "I brought Mikan's notes for you to study. You should take some pictures so you can return it to her soon."

"Aw man, did I seriously get rejected from asking you out on a date? I should have known someone as unworth-"

She steered him around and kissed him deep into his mouth, her hasty inexperienced tongue sucking her passion into him. Komaeda's eyes were wide open in surprise, as his words were cut short with a 'mmph!'

When she broke away she seemed a little irritated.

"It's not about you! You need to study so you can pass your practicals! If you pass, then...then I'll go out with you."

" about a drive for motivation..."
Komaeda sighed, but immediately took out the notes out of her bag anyway. "I wasn't planning on giving my practical exams, but-"

He stopped talking abruptly, clearly having said something he regretted.
"What? You weren't planning on attending your practical exams?"

"Well..." Ko fumbled a little with the bundled of papers in his arms. "You know, I thought I was so sick I probably wouldn't be able to go. But now that you've promised me that, I'll do my best." He winked and got to studying.

"Ko Senpai...I'll never understand you..."
Y/N retired into the couch and groaned for no reason in particular. She was so tired of studying all day and night. It was like she had a life only dedicated to textbooks and notes. Her phone buzzed and she picked it up immediately, bored out of her mind. It was Hinata. He had sent her a picture of his last answersheet, and she was happy to see he was progressing. She could see his status as 'typing' and waited for him to say something.

"See?" He wrote.
"You gave me so much homework for no reason at all."

"Maybe," she texted back.
"But all that homework is why you're getting better."

"Yeah, yeah, Y/N Sensei," he said, making her chuckle.
"How's your sick Senpai doing? You sure you don't wanna come to the arcade with us? All you do is study."

"At this rate, you'll start talking in equations and formulas."

"You are so dramatic. But he seems to be quite well now. Send me the address and I'll see if I can come."

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