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Nancy pov

Sometime in the night, i woke up to a really bad dream. So had that I was on the brink of tears. I crawled out of bed and went to open my bedroom door. When I looked to the landing, it was pitch black. Now I'm not scared of the dark. I'm scared of things that hide in the dark. There's a difference. Being too scared, I couldn't go into finn, aunt pol or Adam room but I really needed them. Ada had her own house in London but her and Karl were staying here for the weekend. They were going home tomorrow though

I couldn't yell for Ada since Karl was with her and she would be very mad at me. I couldn't yell for aunt pol because she would also be annoyed so my youngest brother seemed the only option. I got back in my bed and under the covers as I screamed

"Finny" I yelled. No one answered so I screamed 3 times more before I heard my door opening. My covers were pulled from my face and a very tired finn was sat at the end of my bed. His hair was sticking up in all the wrong places and he didn't look best pleased

"Nance, I love you. But it's half 2 in the morning. You have school tomorrow and im the one who is being forced to take you. So for the love of God, shut up" he groaned. I giggled at him making him roll his eyes

"I had a bad dream. And I want you to stay with me" I said to him pouting my lip out and using puppy eyes

"Alright fine. Can we atleast go to my bed. Yours is too small" he said

"Only if you carry me" I replied. He stood up and lifted me onto his hip. As we walked into the darkness, I dug my head into his neck and closed my eyes tightly shut. I only opened them when I felt myself being placed on a soft mattress. Finn got in bed with me and I climbed on his chest

"Are you gonna ask what my nightmare was about?" I asked

"No. I'm gonna sleep" he replied with his eyes closed

"Please. Arthur always asks what it was about" I whined. He huffed but opened his eyes and sat up slightly

"Fine. What was your nightmare about?" He asked. I rested my head on his chest and closed my eyes before saying

"I don't wanna talk about it" I could almost feel him roll his eyes but soon enough I was asleep

Finn pov

Before I knew it, I was waking Nancy up for school. She was adamant about staying in bed and to be honest, my heart was telling me to get back in bed but my brain was telling me not to give aunt pol a reason to kill me. In the end I had to use physical force to get her out of bed. And by that I mean I went into Adas room

"What are you doing" she asked groggily as i went to Karl's cot

"Giving Nancy a wake up call" I replied. I held 2 year old Karl up to my face and sniffed. Yep. He's definitely shit himself

"Don't drop him" ada said sleepily

"He'll be fine" I said as I held the stinky toddler on my hip. I carried him into Nancy's room. She was half asleep when I lifted Karl so his arse was in her face. She breathed in once before gagging and jumping out of bed

"That's not human" she squealed as she ran out of the room and downstairs. Well it worked atleast. Once she was ready for school, I grabbed her bag and her hand and we began the 10 minute walk

"Why aren't we taking the car?" She asked me

"Because I'm not allowed to drive the car" i replied

"That's never stopped you before" it was true. I very often take Nancy of joy rides with my friends and no one had ever found out

"Too many people would see us if I drove you to school" I replied 

"Fair fucks" she said. We daudled along as she kicked a few stones and eventually we reached the school

"Give me a kiss" she said

"Nance, some kids I know are over there" i said nodding towards a group of kids my age

"Are you embarrassed?" She asks with tears in her eyes

"I'm not embarrassed by you. I just don't want to kiss you goodbye infront of people my age" I said to her. Her lip wobbled and I did feel a little bad

"Fine. Have a very good day" she said aggressively before running off to the crowd of midgets

Nancy pov

The school day was very normal. Except for my overwhelming hatred for finn that I suddenly felt. He was embarrassed by me. I shall never forgive him and shall forever live a life of misery and heartbreak. At the end of the day, Arthur was there waiting for me. He was stood with a grin on his face as I ran into his arms. He lifted me up and showered me with kisses. Atleast someone loves me

"How was your day my little mocking bird?" He asked me as I sat on his hip. He walked to the car and got in. I was sat on his knee in the car whilst he drove to his house. I was sleeping at his like I do every Monday

"Alright" I grumbled

"That's not a very happy answer. What's wrong?" He asked me

"Finns pissed me off" I said. He kept his eyes on the road by looked down every now and then for a few seconds to see if was alright

"What's he done now?" Arthur asked

"When he dropped me off at school, he refused to give me a kiss and a hug because his friends were watching us" I said sniffing back my tears

"Aw luv. Don't you worry about it. When we get home ill give you loads of hugs to make you feel better" he said kissing my cheek

"Promise?" I asked

"Promise" he replied

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