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Lucia pov

I went in to check on Nancy at 12 o'clock. And I found her in the arms of Thomas shelby. As much as I despise the man, and i think he's a horrible brother, this moment was precious and I couldn't ruin it. So, I left the room quietly, closing the door behind. As I turned around, I bumped into a large body, startling me and I almost let out a scream

"Only me" Arthur said as I rolled my eyes

"You made me jump Mr shelby" I said to him

"Lucia, how many times. Call me Arthur" he said, lifting my chin to look him in the eyes

"As you wish arthur" I whispered, transfixed on his defined facial features

"Like what you see?" He teased smirking

"And what if I do? What are you going to do about it?" I asked, playing him at his own game

"Er..." clearly it took him by surprise. My fingers traced his bicep which was clear to see through his shirt

"I'll tell you what's going to happen Arthur. You are going to ask me to dinner. I will say no. Then I shall walk away. And yet, at 7 o'clock, we will meet at the bottom of the stairs. You in a suit and me in a sexy dress. You will take me out to dinner at a place of your choosing and the night shall continue from there. Do you understand?" I asked

"Yes. I understand" he chuckled

"Well then; ask me" I said raising an eyebrow

"Lucia, will you please join me for dinner this evening?" He asked, the famous smirk plated upon his face

"No" I said simply before walking away, making sure to sway my hips discretely

"What a woman" I heard him mumble as I turned into my room

Nancy pov

I woke up at 1 o'clock. I felt quite abit better although my stomach still ached like period cramps. Nothing I couldn't handle. Tommy was staring at me as I rubbed my eyes and adjusted to the light

"Good afternoon nance" he said looking down at me

"Afternoon tom" I said

"You're looking better" he said

"Does that mean I can leave bed yet?" I asked hopeful

"Not yet darling. I want to make sure you are well enough. I may have been eavesdropping on Lucia and Arthur's conversation earlier" he said


"And they are going on a date tonight. So, I will let them know that I will stay here and look after you" Tommy explained

"A date? Lucia and Arthur? That's amazing. I have to see lucia" I shrieked going to step out of bed, but Tommy pulled me back

"Oh no you don't. I will go get Lucia to come to you. And then you can have your girl talk whilst you are still getting better" he kissed my forehead and left the room. Not even a moment later, Lucia appeared and shut the door quickly before jumping on my bed

"I can't believe you are going on a date with my brother" I said

"He's been very kind to us Nancy. And he's hot" she said

"Ew. Just ew" I said

"Oh come on. He may be your brother but you have to admit, he is handsome" Lucia said

"Yes he's handsome. He's a fucking shelby. But hot is so ew" I cringed in disgust at the thought

"OK OK. Well, we are going out for dinner at 7. And afterwards, I am making sure to fuck him somewhere. You don't mind sleeping with a pillow over your ears tonight do you?" She asked. Is this bitch serious? As I studied her face, I realised that yes, she was fucking serious

"Yes I fucking mind. You wanna fuck Arthur, get a hotel room. Or even just do it in the room furthest away from me" I said

"Oh believe me, you will hear everything if in a 1 mile radius. I'm gonna make that man scream my name" she said with a grin on her face. I stared at her blankly

"So I'm going to pretend you didn't say any of that. What are you wearing?" I asked

"My soblaznitel'nyy dress"

"I adore that dress. Its so sexy" I said. You see, Lucia has always been good at the whole seductive thing. She gets what she wants in the bedroom. And here's why

Because this is the dress she wears when she wants sex

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Because this is the dress she wears when she wants sex. Tell me you wouldn't fuck her

"Just, promise you aren't in this just for sex. You do like Arthur don't you?" I asked looking pleadingly into her eyes

"I promise. I've never been on a date before Nancy. Because I've never liked anyone. The only time I've ever needed this dress is for all the wrong reasons. So we could live. But tonight, I intend to make this gorgeous but traumatised dress one that finally gives me a happy memory" she said cupping my cheek

"Just so you know, I'm rooting for you and Arthur to get married" I said wiggling my eyebrows

"It's one date detki. A wedding isn't even on the horizon yet" she answered

At 4 o'clock, she went to go and get ready. Tommy came and sat with me again and I was so happy. But, my face remained the same. No smile, no joy. Only way you would know I was happy is by the twinkle in my eyes

Arthur pov

I put on my best suit and abit if gel in my hair. I admired myself in the mirror, knowing I look smart as ever, I make my way to the stairs. And I'm speechless. Walking down the stairs is Lucia. Bright red lips set smirking on her face, her dress showing abit of leg. Always good for easy access. Her hair down and curled rather than in the bun she always has it in

"You look beautiful" I said as I offered my hand. She grateful took it and said

"You look very krasivyy"

"You gonna tell me what that means?" I asked as I lead her out the house and towards the car

"No" she said jumping in the front seat. This would be one hell of a night. I couldn't wait!

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