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Tommy pov

I couldn't sleep the entire night. Constantly thinking about Nancy and what she went through. So in the morning, I realised I had to apologise. It wasn't that I never cared for her, or that I didn't truly think she was my sister. I have just been such a dick because i worry for her. I didn't want her to get close to me. Everyone I touch dies and  can't let that happen to her. Not our Nancy

I drove to arthurs at 9 o'clock, hoping that Nancy would be awake by then. A maid opened the door and let me in

"Arthur's not here" she said

"I'm not here for Arthur" I replied

"She doesn't want to speak with you Tommy. I think you've upset her enough" the maid said trying to usher me back out the house but I just walked around her. Normally the maids were scared of me so this was new

"Which room?" I asked walking up the stairs

"This is ridiculous" she muttered

"Which fucking room?" I yelled as i reached the top of the stairs

"3rd door on your left" she said. I nodded my head and walked to that very room. After knocking 3 times with no answer, I was ready to just walk in

"Don't wake her. She's not well" Lucia said making me grab my gun in shock

"What's wrong with her?" I asked

"Don't pretend now that you care for her. You deserted her when she needed you most. You think she wanted to go to Russia? That she wanted to be married at such a young age? You think she wanted any of this?" She whisper yelled to me

"I know. I've been a fucking terrible brother. But I'm here now" I said

"Well you're here too late. Nancy has suffered enough heartbreak to last her a life time and she doesn't need you to brining her any more bad luck" Lucia said blocking the door

The sound of vomiting from the other side made us both shut up and run into the room

"You're OK moy rebenok" Lucia said rubbing Nancy's back as she was sick into a bowl

"You have a guest. Ya mogu zastrelit' yego, yesli khochesh"
I can shoot him if you like

Whatever she said made Nancy roll her eyes and smile slightly

"We'll be OK" Nancy said. Reluctantly, Lucia left the room but not before sending me death glares. When the door closed, I took a seat next to the bed of a sweaty and pale looking Nancy

"You look like shit" I chuckled

"What do you want Tommy?" She asked not having any of my Bullshit

"I came to apologise. And to beg for your forgiveness and for you to have me back as your brother" I said

"Well....?" She said

"Well what?" I asked

"I don't here an apology" Nancy said with her voice horse

"I'm sorry. I thought pushing you away would save you any pain or heartache but I see now it has only made your life worse. I can't imagine how scared you must have been returning home and my cold welcome didn't help. You're my sister nance. My little mockingbird. And I want to be your brother again if you'll let me. So we can get both our lives back on track and move on from the shit that happened. When you were gone, both our lives took a turn for the worse. With your marriage and grace, makes me realise that we are so much better when we are together. Not when I'm pushing you away" I said letting a tear slip

"You don't smile" she said

"What do you mean?" I asked confused as to how this was relevant

"Arthur said I should smile again. But I can't smile truly until you do. I'm not asking you to force a smile for me. I just want to know how i can make you smile again. Like I used to when I was little" she said holding my hand

"I don't know nance I really don't. I've not truly smiled for a long time and I don't know if I ever will again. Only time will tell" I said

"I forgive you Tommy" she said. I kissed her forehead

"You're burning up" I said

"It's the pills. Doc said they would make me worse before I can get better" she said

"What happened was terrible. I'm sorry we let that happen to you" I said

"No. It wasn't you. It was my husband who started it all. And then, stalins men who killed the only source of hope I had. I know I'm young, and I shouldn't care. Most girls my age would abort the baby if they got pregnant. But I cared so much. It was my baby and I couldn't even protect it" she broke down in tears as I hugged her close to my chest and stroked her hair

I sat next to her on the bed and held her close. We sat there for ages just crying into one another's arms

"Nancy, I'm gonna make a promise to you" I said. She looked up at me with pleading eyes

"When you have kids, I'm gonna be the best fucking uncle to them because I've screwed up being your brother so this is my final chance to prove to you, how much you mean to me" I said making laugh slightly

"You think I'll have kids?" She asked. I could tell she was getting tired

"Definetly. But not until you're 40" i said

"Why's that?" She asked shocked

"You really think we are letting you date before the age of 40?" I said. She rolled her eyes and kissed my cheek

"I don't mind whe you're protective Tommy. I know ada found it annoying and it can be at times. But over all, makes me feel special" she said before yawning

"Go to sleep my little mockingbird. I'll be right here when you wake up" I said kissing her head as she closed her eyes. It was only 10 o'clock but I could tell the pills were wearing her out. And if anyone deserves some rest, it's Nancy fucking shelby


Anyone interested in an lgbtq+ peaky blinders story. I was thinking, shelby sister falls in love with girl. Has to hide relationship from homophobic brothers who only live by what society thinks. Must keep it a secret on pain of death!

So what you think? I won't start until I've finished this story. So just let me know if you would read it

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