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Nancy pov

Just like Arthur promised, I got many hugs when we got home. He made me laugh and forget I was ever mad at finn. But then there was a knock at the door. I ran to open it despite knowing I'm not allowed. It was finn with flower and chocolates

"I'm sorry nance. I was being stupid. Will you forgive me?" He asked with puppy eyes

"How can I say no to that face" I said smiling. He lifted me up and gave me a kiss and a hug

"But one thing!" I said

"Anything" he replied

"You gotta take me for a drive" I said

"Deal. Come on. Let's go lie to Arthur" he said making me laugh. Arthur put the flowers in water and promised he wouldn't eat my chocolates. Finn said we were just going for a walk which wasn't entirely false. We walked away from Arthur's house and to Tommy's. He was at aunt pols house so wasn't in. We couldn't take Arthur's care because he would see us but no one would see us take Tommy's

Finn lifted me into the car and climbed in himself. He managed to start the car and we drove along country lanes. Its really fun driving with finn because he goes super fast especially around bends. Feels like a roller coaster. We went away from country lanes and drove through the city. But the fun came to a stop when a dog ran infront of the car and finn had to swerve to avoid it. In doing so, the car tipped up and flipped a good couple of times

John pov

I was sat in my living room with esme and the kids when we heard chaos outside. People were yelling and when I looked through a window, I saw there had been a crash. I went outside to go and help if I could but as I got closer, I realised this was Tommy's car.

Me and another man went to get the driver out of the car and that's when I also saw another life in the vehicle. I dragged my little sisters body out of the car. She was awake and breathing that's something. As finn was dragged out the car, he stood up fine so thank for he wasn't hurt. I held nancy in my arms as she cried. I set her on her feet and despite being shaken up, she seemed alright

"Nance, I'm so sorry" finn said lifting her up and kissing her

"Tommy's gonna kill us" she sobbed. I took her in my own arms at just then esme came out to help

"Let's get you both inside. The doctor is on his way to check you both" she said

"Thanks but we don't need a doctor" finn said

"You've just been in a crash. It's just to check you over" I said. Finn walked in the house and I followed with a crying girl in my arms

"Will Tommy be mad?" She asked as I wiped her tears

"No darling. I think he'll be too worried to be mad" I said kissing her cheeks. She hugged me and thats when the door was almost knocked off its hinges. Tommy came running in

"Why the fuck is my car in the middle of the street?" He asked

"Can I speak with ya" I said dragging him into the living room away from nancy and finn. I decided to tell him what happened myself so he would have time to calm down before talking to them

Tommy pov

"Finn and nancy decided to take your car for a joyride. In doing so they crashed. Me and another man helped them out. Both of them can walk fine and they seem fine but nancy is-"

"Fucking hell. Why the fuck did they think that was a good idea" I yelled but John quickly shushed me

"Sshhh. Don't let nancy hear you. As I was saying, nancy is just worried because she thinks you are gonna kill them both. I know she needs telling off but don't be too hard on her ye tom" he said. I stayed in the lounge for 5 minutes to cool off before going into the kitchen to the kids

"We're sorry tommy" finn said. I hugged him and ruffled his hair

"I don't care. As long as you're both ok" I said picking nancy up onto my lap and sitting down. Soon after, a doctor arrived. He checked them both over and said they were very lucky. Finn has a nasty cut on his arm but other than that, they are both fine

"You will both work to pay for another car" I said to the 2 kids sternly

"Yes tommy" they said

"You will also go and thank the man who save you both. Give him some cakes and money" I ordered

"Yes tommy" they said

"And you are both grounded for a week" I said

"You can't do that. You aren't my guardian" finn said

"And you're not mine either" nancy said. Arthur was her legal guardian but she basically lived in a different house each day

"You stole my fucking car. Broke the law. Crashed my car. Endangered the lives of many others who were fucking walking in the street. John's had to pay so a fucking doctor can check up on you. And my car is ruined. I think I have every right to fucking ground you" I said through gritted teeth. They sadly nodded their heads in agreement

"Come on. Its getting late and Arthur will be worried" i said lifting a yawning Nancy up. I walked finn home and walked Nancy back to Arthur's. He ran out of the house and scooped her in his arms

"Where the fuck have you been ay?" He asked but Nancy was half asleep on his shoulder

"Let's go inside I'll explain it all" I grumbled. We went in and got the whiskey out. Nancy slept on the sofa with her head on Arthur's lap. Once i had told him what happened, he seemed really worried

"Arthur, her and finn are both fine. There's no need to worry. The car can be replaced and no one got hurt" I said

"I know. I know. Just a scary thought. That she couldve-" he chocked on a sob as I held him and rubbed his back

"Don't think about it. We got lucky and she's here still" we stopped and looked at her as she began snoring very loudly. We both started laughing at the girl

"I should get going. Don't let her off school tomorrow. I mean it Arthur" I said walking out

"Don't know what you're on about" he said chuckling. I rolled my eyes and walked away

Arthur pov

It was 8 o'clock when Nancy got back and she hasn't had tea. I lifted her up into my arms and went to the kitchen

"Nooo" she whined as she began to slowly wake up

"Yes come on. Tea" I said. I sat her down at the table and we began to eat

"What you did was very stupid Nancy. And dangerous. Now we all love you and hate telling you off. But this is ridiculous. Even if you didn't crash, you still stole a car and lied to me" I said to her

"I'm really sorry Arthur. Please don't be mad at me" she said

"WELL I AM FUCKING MAD. YOU COULD HAVE DIED NANCY. AND THEN WHAT? WHAT WOULD I DO IF YOU DIED? I'D FUCKING DIE TOO YOU STUPID GIRL!" I yelled smashing a glass and standing up. She watched me in fear and as i stopped screaming, she began crying

"Oh darling I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry" I said as i lifted her tiny body into my arms and hugged her

"I'm sorry aswell" she said. I kissed her head multiple times and rocked her ad as I cried myself. Both from scaring her and from the fear of what could've happened tonight

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