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Nancy pov

"Rise and shine my little mocking bird" I heard Tommy say as he opened the curtains to blind me. I rolled over in bed and dug my head into my pillow

"Come on. School" he said leaving the room. Screw him and screw the education system. I'm going back to bloody sleep

Tommy pov

I woke Nancy up at half 6 so she would be ready in time for school. At 7 o'clock she still hadn't come down for breakfast so i went to go and check on her. I found her laying in her bed fast asleep. This is ridiculous now

"I won't tell you again. Get up" I demanded as I pulled the covers off and lifted her out of bed. I set her on her feet only for her to lay back down on the floor and close her eyes

"Nancy Marie Shelby! You get up now before i call polly and she can sort you out" I said as I forced her to stand up

"I don't feel well tommy" she grumbled. I felt her forehead and looked at her face to see if she was pale

"You're fine. Stop whining and get dressed. We are leaving in 20 minutes even if you're still in your pyjamas" I said before leaving her and walking out the door. I hate mornings

Nancy pov

I tried to fake being ill but I've never been very good at it. Tommy and polly can see right through me when I lie. Well everyone can to be honest since I'm shit at lying. But no one else really cares if I go school or not. I got dressed anyway realising I'd lost this battle

"Tommy" I yelled. He didn't answer so I yelled twice more before he came running upstairs. He had a gun in his hands when he got to my room

"What's wrong nance?" He asked worried

"Can you please make my bed" I begged as i smiled sweetly. He huffed but began making the bed anyway

"You are old enough now to do this without help" he grumbled

"I know. But why would I do it if you'll do it for me" I said shrugging. I heard a knock on the door so ran down the stairs

"Don't you dare open that door nancy" I heard Tommy's voice but sometimes I just gotta ignore it. I opened the door and a boy was there. He looked about Finns age

"Can I help you?" I asked

"Got a letter for Thomas shelby" he said

"Never heard of him" i told the boy

"Are you sure? I'm positive he lives here" the boy said

"Sorry. You've got the wrong house" I said. But just as I said that I felt a shadow swoop over me

"I'm Thomas shelby" damn it

"Letter for ya Mr shelby" the boy said. He ran away pretty fast after that and Tommy dragged me back inside

"What's it say?" I asked as he read the letter

"Never you mind" he said making me from and cross my arms, sulking

Tommy pov

Thomas shelby

A mocking bird lives up to the age of 8 years old whilst in the wild. When in captivity, they can live for 20 years. Keep your mocking bird close if you want her to reach adulthood

I hasn't the faintest who the letter was off but it made me worry for god. I watched as Nancy sat sulking but u couldn't tell her what the letter was about. Didn't want to scare her. One things for sure. She isn't leaving my side meaning she isn't going school

"Good news" I said to her

"What?" She asked still angry

"You can stay off school today" I said. She didn't bother asking why. She just cheered and ran upstairs back to bed. I went up and followed her. When she was back in her pyjamas and in bed, I went over and locked all her windows

"What are you doing Tommy?" She asked

"Dont want you to catch a cold" I said. I then went and checked the wardrobe. Make sure no one was in there

"Is something going on Tom?" She asked sitting up. I went over to her and stroked her curly ginger locks

"No my love. I'm just looking for something" I said

"What is it? Maybe I can help" she said

"Just a new hat a brought but I've lost it now. I'm sure it'll turn up" I said kissing her head and gently laying her back down. I checked under her bed and then left the room to let her sleep. But I didn't leave the top floor. Instead I went to my room and to the phone where I called Arthur

A: ello?
T: I got given a letter by some kid today. A threat to Nancy
A: well What does it say?
T: mocking birds live up to the age of 8 years old whilst in the wild. When in captivity, they can live for 20 years. Keep your mocking bird close if you want her to reach adult hood
A: fucking hell. Is she at school?
T: she's in bed. I'm not sending her to school, it's too dangerous. I've checked her room and locked all the windows so no one can get in. She's safe
A: let's make sure it stays that way. Don't leave her side Tom
T: I'm not fucking stupid Arthur. I wouldn't let anything happen to her. I've got to go now. Tell John and polly what's happened but don't let finn find out
A: will do. Look after her brother
T: always

Then I hung up and ran into Nancy's room. She was still sleeping soundly so I let out a sigh of relief. I went and sat in the rocking chair by her bed. I stayed by her side, watching her and not leaving up until she finally woke up at 11 o'clock

Nancy pov

When I adjusted my eyes to the light, I jumped a bloody mile to see Tommy sat watching me

"Fucking hell Tommy. Scared the shit out of me" I said as I held my hand to my chest from fear

"Sorry darling. Just came to wake you up. Get dressed nance. We're going the betting shop" I said. She groaned but slowly got out of bed. I stood outside her door and within 30 minutes, she had come out

"Finally" I said as we walked down the stairs

"Alright Keep ya hair on. I got up didn't i" she said back to me rolling her eyes. So annoyingly cute that I hope she never grows up. But by Gods grace will she live to become a woman

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