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Arthur pov

I woke up the next day with my arm wrapped around a woman. This wasn't an unusual position however my heart fluttered when I properly woke up and remembered the events from last night

"Morning darling" I mumbled kissing at lucias neck. She hummed in response, bucking her naked arse back so it was pressed up against me

"Good morning" she said turning over and looking me in the eyes. She gave me a soft kiss on the lips as I tangled my hands in her hair with the other hand cupping her breast. God her lovely breasts. Sculptured by the God's

"Tommy said-" an excited voice said as the door quickly opened only to shut seconds later. Nancy hadn't knocked

"Sorry" she yelled before running off

"God that girl will be the death of me" I grumbled running my hands through my hair

"Your lips say she will be the death of you. But your eyes say she is the only thing keeping you alive" Lucia said smiling sweetly, kissing my cheek

Nancy pov

After walking in on something I really didn't want to see, I went downstairs to find Tommy. He was sat at the table with a news paper and whiskey in hand

"They aren't coming down for breakfast just yet" I said taking my seat

"Oh ye. How come?" He asked not looking up

"Too busy fucking one another" I said biting into my toast

"You shouldn't know what that is t
Nancy" he told me sternly raising his voice

"You can blame me for what I say. But you can not blame me for what I've seen" I said back calmly. He took a long sigh in realisation and rubbed his hand over his face in tiredness

"You're right. I'm sorry nance. I just can't wrap my head around it all. You know, I always said I would protect you. But it seems I couldn't even keep that promise" he said feeling guilty for himself. We sat in silence for a good 30 seconds, neither of us having any words worth sharing. After a long silence, Tommy said

"The world's changing Nancy. Its changing fast. I need you to promise me something" he said placing his hand on mine

"What is it?" My voice was so quiet that I may aswell have not said it at all

"Follow my orders and don't ever get too curious. Everything happens for a reason and I just need you to trust that what I say and do is for the good of my family" he was staring straight into my eyes, piercing my soul

"I promise tommy" I said

"Good girl" he stood up and left the room but not before kissing me on the forehead. And so I was sat by myself. Alone. Like I have been for so long. I really believed that once i got home, everything would go back to normal. But I realised soon enough that Birmingham is no longer my home. I have no home in fact. Everywhere I go i am unsafe and frightened

I don't know what Tommy meant by 'the world is changing' but it was clear he was frightened. I noticed the way his eyes filled with fear just speaking of the topic. And I felt how his hand shook on mine. I wanted to he there for him. To tell him it was all going to be OK and that he can fix any problem. I will always be by his side

Reality isn't that kind. He can't defeat every threat. And all it takes is one mistake, one traitor for Tommy to be killed. All it takes is 1 moment with his guard down, and he could die. I just want everything to be OK but I know something is wrong. And I can feel it. I can feel the tension in the air, the coldness that swoops over the room when Tommy is near me. Like a bad omen is following him constantly. And I'm scared. Scared that after all his years of running, death may catch up to him

"Nancy" I was shook from my transe by my name being yelled down my ear, o loud in fact that I almost fell off my chair

"What?" I asked defensively rubbing my ear. I noticed John, ada and finn were stood over me

"We came for a family meeting. You were sat there not replying to anyone. Like you were there but you werent" finn said with a sympathetic and scared expression on his face

"Well I'm here now. And I don't plan on leaving. If you'll excuse me, I've got a headache so I'm going to lie down" I said standing up abruptly and leaving the room, not allowing time to greet my siblings properly. I ran to my bedroom and shut the door immediately

"What's wrong?" I jumped out of my skin, a small scream escaped my lips as my hand flew to my chest

"You made me jump" I said to Lucia as she started laughing slightly

"I know. You looked stupid. It was funny" she said plain and simple

"Now tell me what's wrong" she ordered as she pat a spot on the bed for me. I sat next to her and her arm was wrapped around me, I leant into her hold

"We're happy. Aren't we?" I asked

"If you feel the need to ask them apparently not" she said

"You're happy now. With Arthur. He's good for you and its clear the pair of you are in love despite your denial" I said

"Yes Nancy. I'm very happy. But I'm also worried about you. Are you not happy?" She asked

"It's all too good to be true. We got so caught up in the joy of having a family that we forgot to look out for danger. Tommy, a bad omen follows him like a bad smell. I can feel it whenever he's near by. And he told me the world is changing. Made me promise that I will follow any orders he gives me. Somethings about to happen Lucia. something that will stop this feeling of happiness and replace it with grief and self destruction. I can feel it" I cried into her shoulder

"Nancy, if what you say is correct, if Tommy is being followed by a bad omen then we have to tell polly. She knows more about it than either of us and hopefully she can help. But I promise, we will get our happiness. It comes and goes as it pleases but it never disappears forever. Do you understand?" She asked lifting my chin up so I was looking into her eyes. I nodded my head and wiped the lost tears

"I love you" she said kissing my cheek and holding me to her chest

"I love you too" I said trying not to think about the omens, trying to convince myself that I'm just going mad


So sorry. Havnt posted in ages. Just havnt had the inspiration to do so

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