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Polly pov

"I'M NOT GOING" I heard a scream from outside

"The beast has awoken" John joked not looking up from his paper. Funnily enough, Nancy came storming into the house, Arthur right behind her. Both looked ready to kill something or someone

"Nice day" Tommy said ruffling Nancy's hair. She looked up at him and yelled

"SHUT UP. THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT" everyone had shut up and we could just hear Nancy's heavy angry breathing

"Darling, why don't we go get you a drink" finn said wanting to help nancy

"No I'm staying with Arthur" she said hugging Arthur's leg and holding on for dear life

"I thought you hated me?" Arthur asked bending down

"I love you. I just don't always like you" she grumbled looking down at the ground. Arthur picked her up and sat her on his knee on the sofa

"What are you both arguing about and Why's it Tommy's fault?" I asked

"Arthur said I gotta go school tomorrow. And it's Tommy's fault because apparently its 'Tommy's orders'" she said mocking her older brothers voice

"Do you want to be thick like finn?" Tommy asked

"Hey!" Finn said offended

"Finn is a very clever man and-" Nancy started the sentence but burst out laughing

"Sorry finn but I couldn't even say that without laughing" finn rolled his eyes and sat sulking. The conversation was cut short when the door opened and in walked my son. God my son. He's grown so handsome. Can't believe I missed his childhood. But I don't intend to miss another day

"Hello darling" I said kissing his cheek

"Hello everyone" he greeted us all kissing my cheek back. A few hellos were muttered but Nancy stayed silent looking at the floor

"Everyone, this Is my son, Michael" I greeted

Nancy pov

Why must I meet that man? He's a prick and I've not even spoke to him. Ya know when someone has a punchable face? Well that's like him. Only its not just his face. He has a punchable accent, punchable hair, punchable grin. Overall, I just wanna kill him

"Hi nancy" he said sitting down next to me. I know he singled my greeting out because he knows I don't like him. Well atleast I hope he got the message from our first encounter. I gave him the cold shoulder not answering the man

"Nancy Marie, don't be rude" Tommy said sternly. I turned to face Michael from Tommy's orders

"Hello Michael" I said coldly

"Nancy!" Tommy said

"What? I wasn't being rude. You talk to people like that all the time" i said to Tommy. He looked at me without blinking and gave me.....the look. The mum look only its a brother look. All my brothers have given me the look before but non is more intimidating as Tommy's

"Your eyes have gone wide. That's not a good sign" I said scrunching my eyebrows in fear

"Arthur help me" I whispered to my eldest brother

"Tea is ready" polly said. I've never been so grateful for anything in my life. Arthur carried me to the dining room and we all sat down infront of the food. I was next to Arthur and finn. But I climbed onto Arthur's lap

Arthur pov

When Nancy climbed on my knee, I got alot of looks from the family. Pity looks and other looks were warning looks. Everyone is trying to tell me that it's getting worse since she can't even sit down without me but I avoid there glares

"This is lovely pol" I said

"Thank you arthur" she said. Nancy had taken 3 bites before she said

"I'm full"

"You're not full. You've had 5 bites" Tommy said

"Actually I've had 3..........I don't know why that's important" she said realising her mistake

"So how's school Nancy?" Michael asked her. Oh god! We really should've warned the poor lad

"Does he want to get hit? Because its looking that way" Nancy said looking at polly. John's kids giggled at their aunt. Nancy had always been the funny one in the family although she very rarely means to be

"Nancy Marie, outside now" Tommy said standing up. Nancy looked scared and immediately realised her mistake

"Well I'm already in trouble. No point trying to be good now" she said hopping off my knee and standing on the table. She ran away from Tommy but stayed on the table the whole time. Polly was yelling at her and everyone else was trying really hard not to laugh. But it was proving impossible

"Fuck off Thomas" she screamed in his face. Everyone went quiet and waited for the outburst

"I DONT KNOW WHO YOU THINK YOU ARE, GOING ROUND TALKING TO PEOPLE LIKE THIS, BUT IT STOPS NOW. I DONT RAISE BRATS SO PACK IT IN" Tommy yelled. He grabbed Nancy's wrist and pulled her outside whilst she screamed and cried

Tommy pov

I dragged her round the back and into the garden. It was very cloudy and cold, getting ready to rain. Nancy was trying not to cry as I could see. She hated crying in situations like this. When someone yells, she doesn't want them to know they scared her. I sat her down on the steps and sat next to her holding her down as she squirmed

"No. Tommy I'm sorry. Please just let me go to Arthur" she begged looking at me. I stared into her eyes for a second before pulling her into a hug when she released all the built up tears. I rubbed her back and kissed her head

"Why don't you want to leave Arthur?" I asked. She didnt answer me

"OK let's try another question. Why do you hate Michael?" I asked knowing she wasn't gonna answer my first question. She sat up and wiped her tears away

"Because aunt pol always says I'm like the child she once had. And that she loves me like her own. Well now she has a child. A son. So she doesn't need me anymore" she cried

"That's not how it works Nancy luv. It's like if John had another baby. He doesn't stop loving his kids does he. And when mum had me, she didn't stop loving Arthur. She just loved me more" I joked making her laugh

"I think that for aunt pol, because we love her so much and she does so much for us, we should give michael a chance. I'm not saying he is a good person. Because I don't know him. But we need to get to know him before we can form an opinion. Please. For aunt pol" I said. She thought for a moment before kissing my cheek and saying

"I'd do anything for aunt pol" I smiled at her and said

"Go on. Arthur will be waiting for ya" she smiled before running back inside

Arthur pov

Nancy came running back inside looking happier than normal. She didn't run straight to me like I expected, instead she ran to Michael and gave him a huge hug. He looked shocked at first but hugged her back. We were all shocked. She kissed his cheek and then ran over to me. She hugged me tightly and whispered in my ear

"I'm doing this for aunt pol. Don't assume I like the bloke" I chuckled quietly at her and kissed her forehead before we got back to the meal. God knows what Tommy said to her out there. But he's worked bloody magic

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