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Nancy pov

Arthur woke me up at 7 o'clock. He got me dressed since i was still half asleep and then at half 7, he carried my downstairs and out of the hotel. It was so early, too early to be alive in fact. So I didn't pay attention to what was going on

Arthur pov

I met dad in the pub at half 7. Nancy was fast asleep on my shoulder whilst i held her bum with my arm. She was so cute but snored very loudly

"Ello son. She still asleep?" He asked chuckling

"Not much of a morning person. We better get going if we want to catch that train" I said. I grabbed our bag and he grabbed his. We ended up having to run to the station so we could get the train on time and only just made it. We went into a compartment and Nancy sat on my knee still asleep whilst dad sat opposite us

"How old is she?" He asked

"Surely you know. You left the same time she was born....." after he didn't reply I said

"7. She's 7"

"Little cutie pie. You know i always wanted to come back to you all. I wanted to see you and raise Nancy and little finn. But by the looks of it, you all did fine without me" he said

"Everyone's pissed off that you left. But I understand. You were grieving. I'm just glad you're back now. And Nancy's not grown up yet. Finns still a kid. You have time to raise em" I said. He seemed satisfied with my answer. After an hour, he asked

"Are you sure she's Nancy? I mean, she's got dark brown eyes and ginger curls. Is she adopted?"

"No course she's not adopted. We don't know where the ginger came from but she's definitely a shelby" I answered

"Doesn't look like a shelby. You think she's the result of your mothers affair?" He asked

"Mum didn't have an affair. You're mixing her up with yourself." I said

Nancy pov

I didn't like dad. I heard their conversation. I know he thinks I'm mums bastard product of an affair. But I'm not. I'm a shelby through and through. I was starting to regret it. Regret forgiving him, bringing him to Birmingham and most of all, taking him to our family. But I could still stop our family from getting hurt

I opened my eyes 10 minutes before the train came to a halt. It was 10 o'clock when we jumped off the train. Arthur was holding my hand and dad was carrying my bag

"Can I make a phone call Arthur?" I asked looking up at him

"Who to?" He asked suspiciously

"Tommy. I want to apologise for the tantrum I had before school yesterday" I lied

"Can't you apologise in person?"

"Please Arthur. I won't be long" truth is, I really didn't want to leave my brothers side. He made me feel safe. And protected. But I would do anything for my family. And I don't feel that safe around our dad anyway. He gave me some money so I could run to the phone box. He kept his eyes on me from across the street just in case but far enough away that he couldn't hear me

T: ello?
N: Tommy? Oh thank god. Listen, I have a confession and it's very important you hear the whole thing without interrupting
T: go on....
N: Arthur helped me sneak out of school. We went to London and to an illegal boxing club. Arthur got into the ring with a man. And at the end of the fight, I found out that the man......he's our dad Tommy. So today we got the train back and he's hear in Birmingham. But I don't trust him and im scared. He's already said I wasn't his kid and the daughter of mums imaginary affair. I'm telling you now because Arthur and dad wanted to surprise you. But I know you wouldn't like the surprise. Thought I could give you chance to calm down first
T: right, listen very closely. You did a good thing telling me. And I'm proud of you. Now you stay by Arthur's side. Don't interact with our father and just get home quickly. I don't care about the lying. This is more important. Don't be scared my darling. Remember, I have men wll around Birmingham looking after you. I love you sweetheart
N: I love you too Tommy

I hung up the phone and ran back to Arthur. I did exactly what Tommy told me. I held Arthur's hand, and hurried home, not talking to dad. We got home and I could see Arthur getting nervous as we walked into the house. Low and behold, Tommy was stood in the kitchen with John and polly

"Oh love. We were so worried" John said running up to me. For once, I left Arthur's side and ran over to my brother. John lifted me up and kissed me. Although I didn't want to leave the room without my eldest brother.

"Why don't you go get some cookies darling. And then go and play in your room" polly said stroking my hair

"No. I don't want to leave Arthur" I said

"Nothings gonna happen baby girl. I promise" Arthur said. I started crying and put my head in John's neck as he rubbed my back

"Nancy, you're tired doll. Let's go put you to bed" John said walking towards the stairs

"No. No i want to stay and I want to listen to his reasoning for leaving us" I cried. John stopped and shushed me sweetly. He turned around and we stood facing our dad

"Ello son. Pol" dad greeted smiling

"Why are you here?" John asked

"I saw Arthur and Nancy. And I realised all the family moments I have missed. And I want to make up for it" he said

"Get my sisters name out your fucking mouth" Tommy said (will Smith slap anyone?)

"I apoligise. You know I feel awful. Look at her. Such a beauty" he said

"I've heard enough. Get out" Tommy said. I was still crying in John's arms

"Come on son" dad tried to reason

"This family needed you 7 years ago. Leave" Tommy ordered. And ain't no one messing with Tommy shelby. Arthur walked over to me and tried to comfort me but I gave him the cold shoulder

"What's wrong nance?" He asked confused on how I could go from not wanting to leave him to wanting him to piss off

"He's not a nice man Arthur. I wish you could see that he's just using you. I'm sorry but it's true. And you're just hurting our family by forcing us to forgive him. I can't forgive him and in all honesty I don't want to" I was now sobbing in John's arms whilst Arthur looked taken aback by my sudden out rage

"Don't be like that my little mocking bird. I've changed" dad said. We all froze at his words

"Little mocking bird?" John asked


"We didn't start calling her little mocking bird until she was 3. You weren't around then so how the fuck do you know that name ay?" Tommy yelled pinning our dad against the wall by his shirt collar. Dad was now crying

"I'm sorry. They said if I didn't help. They'd kill me" he said

"Who?" Polly asked

"They wouldn't tell me their names. But there was a woman, she was the leader of their group. Told me I had to watch Nancy shelby. Once I found out her nickname, I told them. And that's when they sent a letter. I don't know what it said but I know it was some kind of threat. I'm so sorry my darling" he sobbed

"How could you do this?" Arthur asked trying not to cry

"They were going to kill me. But you should know, they wanted me to find you on purpose arthur. So I would get close to you all again. I was supposed to kidnap Nancy or I would die.  But since you have so much power, you can just protect me son" he said looking at Tommy

"I have money. I have power. And none of it is being wasted on you"

"Please son" dad said on his knees begging

"Poll, take Nancy up stairs and out her to bed for a nap. It's been a long morning and she's clearly tired. John, help me take him to the alley. And Arthur, get a fucking drink and some snow. Calm down abit" Tommy ordered not taking his eyes off dad. And so we all obeyed, me in pollys arms as she tucked me into bed

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