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Lucia pov

Arthur took me to the most gorgeous restaurant ever. I could tell he was nervous because he didn't know what to say. After we ordered, I let my leg play with his under the table

"Don't look so nervous. I don't bite unless you ask" I said licking my top lip seductively

"It's hard not to he nervous when I'm staring at the prettiest girl in the room" he said making my heart melt but my face showed pure passion as I resisted the urge to take him on this table right now

"Arthur" I said making him look up at me from his nervous glances at the floor

"Yes lucia" he said nervously

"You are a good man. Good brother to nancy. Good business man. And a good fucking drinker. So why don't we do a little experiment. I wanna know if you are a good fucker" I said my leg getting closer and closer to his downstairs region

Nancy pov

Tommy look after me all evening. Constantly apologising for how he treated me, not forgiving himself. But as he made me a cup of tea and sat down next to me, I rested my head on his shoulder

"I forgive you tom" I said

"I know you do darling. But I don't forgive myself" he muttered kissing my head

"You were only trying to protect me. I think the person you owe an apology to is Lucia. It wasn't right what you said about her daughter" I said looking him in the eyes as he looked down at me

"I know. And I feel terrible" he said

"She'll forgive you. I know she seems scary but she is actually very forgiving" I said holding his hand

"I'll take your word for it" he huffed making me roll me eyes playfully

"Tommy, do you think Lucia and Arthur will get married?" I asked making him choke on air from shock

"Er...they've only been on one date nance" he said

"That doesn't answer my question" I said

"I don't know. It would be great if they got married but it's too early to tell" he replied

"I hope they do. They both deserve to be happy" I said smiling at him. He kissed my head and stood up to get himself a glass of whiskey. It was raining outside and as I glanced out the window, I saw something that made me scream. A figure stood by the window

Tommy came running into the room and gripped my shoulders, asking what was wrong. I couldn't breath. I looked towards the window again but no one was there. Just the darkness of the night and the cold rain

"He...he" but I couldn't get a full sentence out. My heart was racing and I buried my face in Tommy's chest from the fear

"Calm down sweetheart. Its OK. You're ok. Tell me slowly what happened" he said stroking my hair. But I couldn't. He then began to speak but my mind couldn't comprehend what he was saying

"Eto ne real'no, moy rebenok. Ty doma, v bezopasnosti"
It is not real my child. You are home, safe

It was Lucia. My heart began to fade as I listened to her calming voice. Russian brings me back to reality most the time. Its tranquil like a lullaby

"He's here" I said shaking my head

"No he's not" she said looking me in the eyes

"He is" I cried

"Nancy look at me. Victor can't get to you. He's in Russia still. Far away from any of this. I promise that you are safe. Its past midnight, let's get you to bed" she said trying to usher me up the stairs

"No. No he's here. I know what I saw Lucia. Please believe me he's here" I sobbed loud sobs as my body shook and I could hardly move

"Who's here?" Tommy asked

"Sometimes Nancy sees her husband. In random places but he's not there. Just just an illusion from your nightmares nancy" Lucia said as she hugged my shaking body

"I'll get some men to search the outside of the house" Tommy said as he walked off

"Come on darling" Arthur said. Him and nancy took me upstairs and into Arthur's room where I lay in the middle of them

"Y...y...your date" I managed to say

"It was good baby. We'll tell you all about it in the morning" Arthur said stroking my hair. I was a crying and sobbing mess before I finally fell asleep inbetween the two

Arthur pov

We all fell asleep but I woke up to a loud crash. I looked over and saw Nancy and Lucia were both still fast asleep, Lucia holding onto nancy to protect her. I slowly got out of bed and went into the hall but not before grabbing my gun. There I met Tommy

"You heard it too?" I asked

"Ye. I think our sister may have been right" he said. We went downstairs to where the crash happened and saw a vase had been knocked over by a window which was funnily enough, wide open enough for a person to get through

"We need to check the house" Tommy said. But we halted when we heard n ear piercing scream

"The girls" I said running up stairs. I barged into my room and saw Lucia holding a crying Nancy on the bed, Lucia doing her best to hold back the tears

"I told you" Lucia sobbed. I looked towards the wall and saw a man drenched from head to toe in mud and rain water. Be was tall but no taller than me. His defined features were that of a Russian soldier

"Who the fuck are you?" Tommy asked

"I have come to take my wife home where she belongs. It is the law" he said

"It may have escaped your notice that I am not a man who cares about the way" Tommy said

"She's my wife. So my property. You can keep Lucia though. The whore" he spat

"Right that's it. Fuck your laws" I yelled shooting him right in the head. His body dropped to the ground with a bang and I turned to see a traumatised little girl

"Nancy" I said as she trembled

"mne ochen' zhal" Lucia kept repeating kissing Nancy's head
I'm so sorry

"We'll clean the body up. You go back to lucias room and sleeo there for the night. Arthur, you sleep there also. Keep them safe" Tommy said

"I wanna go with tommy" Nancy said ad if she were a child again

"You go with Tommy darling" I said. Tommy went over to her and reached for her shaking hand. Nancy jumped into his arms and broke down in sobs again

"He won't hurt you" he told her

Once the body was cleaned up, I went back to lucias room. She was almost in tears sat at the end of the bed

"I'm sorry you had to-" before I could finish my sentence, she had wrapped her arms around me and kissed my cheek

"Don't apologise. You saved our lives and you've killed Nancy's nightmare" she said

"Now, how about a round 2?" She asked pulling me to the bed

"Oh ye" I said smirking

"You sure about this? I know you are upset about it all and shocked" I said before undressing her

"I'm sure Arthur. That man has ruined my life. Now he's dead. I want to celebrate" she said bringing me in for a kiss

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